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Unnecessary Censorship


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Hey everyone, please watch this, I like it a lot.
I'm sorry sir, I don't seem to understand what you meant.
I apologize, have I offended you in some way?
Though we haven't spoken before I appreciate your willingness to concede.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention, I'm always open to suggestion. Shall we have a cup of tea?
Why yes I will have some. Cigarrette?

Sorry guys, had to clean that up for mass consumption.

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Yes, which would be the first time. So if you could just strike the word "again" from post number 5, we'll be good. Faggot.

Lighten up there, Spivey. Wasn't accusing you of your having made prior accusations towards myself..."Again" refers to prior questioning of the validity of my own personal opinions, as posed by both real people and the folks who just live in my computer.

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This has to be some of the f***** S*** I have seen in a while...
I'm sorry...Did I get my opinion wrong again?
what the fuck are you talking about? You have 41 posts, none of which were a conversation with me.
My bad. I thought you were addressing me in post #2, where I was quoted.
Yes, which would be the first time. So if you could just strike the word "again" from post number 5, we'll be good. Faggot.

Uh, what the fuck happened here? :confused:

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