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Nut Up or Shut Up! (Directors Cut)


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Nobody cares what you said about Todd. It was biting the hand that feeds you and talking mad shit about a beloved and major contributing member that pissed people off. What did Moose do to you guys and what have you done for the betterment of the site and members lately? I have an idea, why dont you guys go form your own site called the Kershocten Fucknuggets and talk mad shit about all the people you dont even know in the privacy of your own little deal. Did you really expect to call the creator of the site everything but a white man with no repercussions? You guys were egging him on. Its a testament to his easygoing temperament that you are still here.

I wish he'd left NUoSU up too, so everyone could bear witness to the douchebaggerie that was being spewed.

Fuckin Ghey.

Adam, you wernt really talking bad about people as I recall (except your buds which is expected), but some of your SG were talking shit about Ben and others.

I am not talking shit about where you are from, I've got nothing against you or coshochton, but some of your crew said some fucked up shit about people they dont even know and now they are trying to act like it was no big deal. But whatever.

As for CW, you can say all you want about it and I'll be right there with you. Its turning into a fucking ghetto right before my eyes. As for my bike, wanna drag race? :D

...annnnd you're done. How about you take your comments to one of the many NEVER closed racist threads because I know NUoSU never took it there...

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...annnnd you're done. How about you take your comments to one of the many NEVER closed racist threads because I know NUoSU never took it there...

Fuck off! I said nothing racist and am not a racist so dont even go there.

You are really grabbing at straws at this point.

Fuckin pathetic!

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...annnnd you're done. How about you take your comments to one of the many NEVER closed racist threads because I know NUoSU never took it there...


PS: No posts have been reported as racist. I don't read every thread on here. If you think something is racist and don't report it, that's your own damn problem.

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Fuck off! I said nothing racist and am not a racist so dont even go there.

You are really grabbing at straws at this point.

Fuckin pathetic!

A pussy grabbing at whatever he can to try to make someone look bad and take the spotlight off himself and his bunch of shit talking hens.

If you felt like nothing you said was racist then what's your problem...I highlighted your irrelevant statements to my thread in bold and told you where they could be posted. If that's the way you talk then you should think about communicating differently or that's the reply you will get from me. I wasn't trying to take the spotlight off of anyone; I made a thread titled the same as the group in question and you come in here trying to make shit racial when it never was...

Yeah. That's pretty weak. Max has rode with my "Brothers" a few times. They are even in his SG. So try again.And yeah that's retry pathetic.

...and...his statements lead him to look a certain way. I replied to how he stated his issue, not his personal quarrels.


PS: No posts have been reported as racist. I don't read every thread on here. If you think something is racist and don't report it, that's your own damn problem.

Hasn't stopped you from closing threads you disliked or wanted to cover up.


Where is Ben the or.net rooster at?

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If you felt like nothing you said was racist then what's your problem...I highlighted your irrelevant statements to my thread in bold and told you where they could be posted. If that's the way you talk then you should think about communicating differently or that's the reply you will get from me. I wasn't trying to take the spotlight off of anyone; I made a thread titled the same as the group in question and you come in here trying to make shit racial when it never was...

Sure dude. :rolleyes: Try to turn it around, but you are just trying to get the light off you.

Fuck you. :bigfinger:

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If you felt like nothing you said was racist then what's your problem...I highlighted your irrelevant statements to my thread in bold and told you where they could be posted. If that's the way you talk then you should think about communicating differently or that's the reply you will get from me. I wasn't trying to take the spotlight off of anyone; I made a thread titled the same as the group in question and you come in here trying to make shit racial when it never was...

...and...his statements lead him to look a certain way. I replied to how he stated his issue, not his personal quarrels.

Hasn't stopped you from closing threads you disliked or wanted to cover up.

Where is Ben the or.net rooster at?


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Names have been changed to protect the guilty.


...last I checked the names follow your posts...so yeah, protect the guilty is far from it. More people know me as McLovin (it was changed per others request and only 3 people have the power to do that so talk to them), so I asked for it to be changed back to the original because I wanted to clear up some confusion...

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Sure dude. :rolleyes: Try to turn it around, but you are just trying to get the light off you.

Fuck you. :bigfinger:

haha ahhhh, yes your right...you caught me. I don't even know why I wasted time replying to your pointless posts in this thread.


...now do you want to post your pot calling the kettle black pic that you so often like to post or take that drama queen picture right under your 1st post in the Shit Talking Thread?

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...now do you want to post your pot calling the kettle black pic that you so often like to post or take that drama queen picture right under your 1st post in the Shit Talking Thread?


No, I actually "nutted up". All of you had a grand old time talking shit behind people's backs, ironically in a group named "nut up or shut up". I loved the bitching about posts that weren't motorcycle related, yet none of the posts in that group were motorcycle related. It was just a fucking henfest bitching about people on this board. If you don't like my website, you are more than welcome to stop logging in. If you don't want to be a part of this site yet can't keep from logging in, I'd be more than happy to deactivate your account. If you have a problem with me, you're more than welcome to contact me directly. Otherwise, stop wasting my time.

It is quite ironic that almost all of the people who were active in that group haven't contributed anything to this site yet feel they have a right to bitch about it.

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