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So im watching this really good movie....


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We don't even know what behavior prompted the moving of the thread.... we were in the middle of posting and it was gone.

If it's something I posted, I sure hope the mods/admins would inform me for that exact reason - so I don't repeat it.

Or, maybe the whole thread was just getting silly, over-the-top, and out of hand?

Either way, no explanation was offered. Not that we're necessarily due one, but it's a nice courtesy for the members.

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Is it possible to get a rundown of events that took place to get the thread shut down and deleted? You know so that behavior won't be repeated again.
We don't even know what behavior prompted the moving of the thread.... we were in the middle of posting and it was gone.

If it's something I posted, I sure hope the mods/admins would inform me for that exact reason - so I don't repeat it.

Or, maybe the whole thread was just getting silly, over-the-top, and out of hand?

Either way, no explanation was offered. Not that we're necessarily due one, but it's a nice courtesy for the members.

Myself and all the admins and mods staff are reworking and updated rules and enforcements. We are trying to take in all voices and views and still be neutral. Please understand that these changes are for the better and to help this forum grow and improve.

Any questions feel free to PM me.


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Does this mean I won't be getting my name change?

Seriously, some of the points I was trying to make in the disappearing thread was that enforcement of rules needed to be more neutral. As much as I hate rules this site will need more of them to be able to exist the way I understand Casper wants this board to be like.

Private Social Groups are not private.

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Does this mean I won't be getting my name change?

Seriously, some of the points I was trying to make in the disappearing thread was that enforcement of rules needed to be more neutral. As much as I hate rules this site will need more of them to be able to exist the way I understand Casper wants this board to be like.

Private Social Groups are not private.

I will still change your name.....anytime...:lol:

Neutral is what we are shooting for....there was some anger typing yesterday between many different people.....

I moved the threads....but they are not gone...

They are in our Admin and Mod section so we can read over the posts and some points that were made. I did this so we can read them with out more flaming gone back and forth

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Being as how I frequent many different MC forums this is not a new issue. People will have conflict no matter what you do. Unfortionatly I see many of the mods as being a little too close to the issues to be seen as neutural by either side. In the end Casper will need to make a decision as to either distance himself from the groups, side with one or clear house. No easy answers but I hope it all works out in the end.

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Being as how I frequent many different MC forums this is not a new issue. People will have conflict no matter what you do. Unfortionatly I see many of the mods as being a little too close to the issues to be seen as neutural by either side. In the end Casper will need to make a decision as to either distance himself from the groups, side with one or clear house. No easy answers but I hope it all works out in the end.

That is why I'm stepping in....

I hope it will work out....

In the end....you cant please all the people all the time.....

There will be some people happy and some upset....

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This is the internet no one likes you. If having and keeping sponsors is one of the goals then moding is going to have to happen. A board with no rules is fun but the size of the board is usually small and most have thick skin. Good luck with the new rules but expect attempts to find their edges.

So I can have a bad word in my user name with a racially charged under meaning?

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I'm pretty sure the reason was due to the thread getting out of hand.

It needed to be stopped at some point.

It had all cooled off and there was just nonsensical joking around going on by the time the thread was pulled.

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OR has gotten dumb lately...

*disclaimer* I've only read page one of this thread.

But a lot of other threads that are really dumb as well...

**warning you are about to read my opinion!**

you should do your part in making it not dumb instead of putting effort into complaining about it...

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**warning you are about to read my opinion!**

you should do your part in making it not dumb instead of putting effort into complaining about it...

I make my attempts. Other than this thread I don't complain about it. I don't talk about sheep/human interaction. I could care less about Coshocton, though I am interested to ride the roads.

It just seems to me the drama queens are out of control.

I like the changes with the forum itself. But lately I find myself distancing from the forum because of all the bullshit banter.

I'm an advocate of undumbing the site, what can I do?

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well, you could help organize motorcycle related events... lots of causes: -raise money for people who were hurt/families of those who were killed recently, -motorcycle awareness, -general fun/good times with the group, -etc.

you could start threads that amuse you and when they stop amusing you, you could stop reading them.... that could work...

idk.... be creative.

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Point proved....^^^

organizing events, creating causes, fundraisers, starting funny threads...

It all ends the same.

does it? I mean... i've put together a few lunches and haven't had one mention of sheep, one ounce of drama, nothin. We talked about riding, about life, made jokes, generally had a good time.... you should try it but with your version of what you consider fun (maybe not a lunch... maybe a trip to a motorcycle museum, or golf, or your creative idea... :D).

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