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Liberal Tax Increase


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California has been a pretty good example of what run away liberalism can do. They have overspent on every liberal agenda issue coming down the pike. They have tried to counter balance this for the last several years by increasing every tax they can get their hands on. Each time their total revenue dropped. So they try raising them again and each time the people respond with: Wealthy people move out of state, business lay off employees, New business find another state, Old business doesn't expand, And Finally, more and more people are forced to ask for a hand out because they cant find a job.

Now, out of desperation, they try it again: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/California-hikes-withholding-brn-1337031591.html?x=0&.v=1

Oh, but this time, they say they're going to give it back to you...... yeah, right.....

For the life of me I cant figure out why liberals prefer overspending to responsible spending.... Crushing debt to a re-assuring surplus.

With our current economic woes and the neo-liberals in charge with a tax and spend attitude towards every problem. I have to wonder at what point, if ever, will we see a complete economic breakdown?

Argentina had various problems and the worse things got economically, they turned to liberals for the fix. The liberals had the message of the Government would take care of them. Well as everyone knows, you can’t ride on credit forever.... Their overspending and crushing debt led to hyper-inflation (20% per month) and a complete socio-economic collapse. This meant riots, starvation and rampant crime. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argentine_economic_crisis_(1999%E2%80%932002)

I'm starting to wonder how long till we get there? Can we pull back from the brink with our votes? Are we better off if we collapse and start over or if we slowly dig our way out of this mess?

There are so many similarities between Argentina and our current situation that survivors of their crisis are warning us, books are being written as a guide to surviving such a crisis. http://ferfal.blogspot.com/2008/10/thoughts-on-urban-survival-2005.html

What do you think?

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Two things. If we're going to spend 170million a day on an occupation, we're going to have to pay for that somehow.

If we're going to spend 170million a day, I'd prefer it be on domestic infrastructure, versus foreign nation building.

Liberal/conservative- fuckall, I could care less. We got the government we deserve.

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So...what e-mail forward or conservative blog did you copy that out of?

And how'd you vote on Issue 1 in Ohio?

No blog or email, no copy and paste, just observation and a few articles to relate to it.

And I voted no on issue 1...... Although I fully support our veterans, I do not support borrowing for a "want" and issue 1 is nice but its not a need, not when we dont have it.

Both questions were irrelevant to the OP ......... an answer to the questions may have been.........



Edited by Rod38um
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Sure' date=' but in a democracy "right and wrong" is subjective. Majority rules, morals don't apply. :rolleyes:[/quote']

Yeah, but what I'm referring to is how much our gubment has turned into little more than a popularity contest. Instead of being representative of the people want, they seem to govern by what the party wants, what will make the others in congress approve of me mentality.

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Well' date=' the Founding Fathers restricted the government with the Constitution and bestowed upon us the responsibility of overthrowing the government whenever it becomes rogue. It's not their fault America is stocked to the gills with pussies.[/quote']

Well stated!

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I haz a scared..

BTW' date=' did anyone hear about the Health Insurance Bill passing in the House this weekend? Yep, it's making it's way to the Senate. Hopefully, it won't get is 2/3 needed.. If it does I have to start shopping for a "compliant" insurance plan. You know, one that the government deems appropriate for my family since I'm too fucking stupid to make choices on my own. OR.. I could not get a new plan and then not pay the fine, which will be enforced via the IRS, and then spend some time in jail.

Nice job, assholes! Progress, gotta' love it.[/quote']

Yup. Gonna be bad if it gets thee 2/3 vote. I'm gonna love paying more for insurance so the scum of the earth can have it for free. Gonna be so awesome.

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The dems are already talking about what they can accomplish once the health care thing goes thru. They want to encourage preventative health care..... ie: since your health is now public/government business, they want to legislate things like what you eat, how much you weigh and so on. So basically if your fat they want to charge you more if you dont exersise or if you buy a little debbie snack cake or if you smoke...... they want to control your behavior........ Ofcourse this is still all in the "want" stage, but they are sure laying the ground work......... Welcome big brother.....

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The dems are already talking about what they can accomplish once the health care thing goes thru. They want to encourage preventative health care..... ie: since your health is now public/government business, they want to legislate things like what you eat, how much you weigh and so on. So basically if your fat they want to charge you more if you dont exersise or if you buy a little debbie snack cake or if you smoke...... they want to control your behavior........ Ofcourse this is still all in the "want" stage, but they are sure laying the ground work......... Welcome big brother.....

Yes because we don't already regulate things that are "bad" for you. :rolleyes:

alcohol, tobacco, gambling, porn, hookers, blow...

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Gyms and workout facilities would be tax-free zones, of course.

I actually brought this up in a discussion with some coworkers about all of this. I'm not sure why (not that I know of anyway) they aren't giving tax breaks for things like gym memberships, martial arts and sports programs. It could encourage better health and give a little boost to those businesses.

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Last time I checked it didn't cost money to run around the block. No excuse for being a fat sack of shit. No excuse for taxing folks because the poor are unhealthy.

"Give Me Your Tired' date=' Your Poor, Your Big Fat Asses …Does poverty make people obese, or is it the other way around?[/b']"


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