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Mirrors must be useless on cars..


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I was riding today at just about speedlimit speed. I was beside a car with about four people in it. They were in the next lane beside me over by westland mall on Georgesville rd.

I had a car directly in front of me and one right behind me as well. Keep in mind i was right beside this ladys window. When all of a sudden she just came over into my lane!! She didnt look or anything. I mean if she would have just looked in her mirrors she could have seen me out of the corner of her eye!I honked and honked and she just didnt look.

I didnt panic and threw on my brakes enough to let them pass me. Then when we get to the redlight on the intersection of Georgesville and Sullivant. Her boyfriend screams something in mexican at me like it was my fault!:confused: lol

OVERALL Bad ride... lol :cry:

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I had a guy a month ago try to run me off the road. I pulled out in front of me with plenty of distance, as a approached him I started to pass in a passing zone, doing the speed limit, all was safe. I got next to him and he swerved at me waving his hands at me like I did something wrong. Bad thing was he had young kids in the back.

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Last I checked a car was still a 3,000 pound hunk of metal being controlled by the operator... swerving into someone is assault with a deadly weapon.

Flick me off, yell at me all you want... but don't try to murder me.

I thought about getting their plate but I just wanted to get home after work. Next time I will. And Im sure their will be a next time...:(

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Last I checked a car was still a 3,000 pound hunk of metal being controlled by the operator... swerving into someone is assault with a deadly weapon.

Flick me off, yell at me all you want... but don't try to murder me.

Thats when a ball bearing turns into a 9mm round.

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What do you mean? lol to like throw at fucktards?


I had a near incident in a parking lot at Easton Sunday. The lady looked at me as if she couldn't believe I pulled into that parking place, when she was trying to do the same thing to me! In hindsight, I was getting grumpy (who me? Never) and ready to get the whole cell phone incident over with (long story, but it was not resolved completely, and still isn't) and I WAS out of line, and not acting the way I should have been.

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or keep ball bearings with you. I am really considering doing that. Anyone on here actually do that?

Um, I think the balls from a pinball machine work rather well.

I have watched somebody kick the side mirror off a car.

Also saw a person stab out the headlights of a car at night with a WWII bayonet. Let them try to get home without being pulled over for DUI with no headlights.

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Um, I think the balls from a pinball machine work rather well.

I have watched somebody kick the side mirror off a car.

Also saw a person stab out the headlights of a car at night with a WWII bayonet. Let them try to get home without being pulled over for DUI with no headlights.


I would thing the ball bearings out of many of the sealed bearings used in most cars these days woudl work fine! I know where I can get a few (hundred over a short period of time) of those!

Also, you could go to the toy aisle and buy some Magnetix, or Magnext (whatever they're calling them now) as they have steel balls in them that are close to 1/2 inch diameter.

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Um, I think the balls from a pinball machine work rather well.

I have watched somebody kick the side mirror off a car.

Also saw a person stab out the headlights of a car at night with a WWII bayonet. Let them try to get home without being pulled over for DUI with no headlights.

Im still with the 9mm


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