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Here is a couple vids of waterboarding. One is a liberal news media member and the other is a conservative media member. I am sure the truth is somewhere in between the two reports but of course, in my opinion it is NOT torture. Heck, our Special Forces members go through it so hey... Why cant the piles of crap they are fighting and capturing???


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To me personally I think they should do whatever they have to do to get them to talk. I cant stand when people say they should be treated fairly. We need to get these guys to talk so we can save american lives. We all have seen the way they treat americans when they capture one of us both civilians and military. I still remember the contractor who had his head slowey cut off, Blackwater security hanging on the bridge. The Terrorist dont care about our feelings one bit. Our image shouldnt be on the line when it comes to saving americans from terrorist attacks.

Just my two cents on it.

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I also believe that water boarding is an effective yet less then persuasive tool, I am more in favor of nut twisting and slowly breaking of small bones then bigger bones until the condemned talk.... kinda like the Vietcong used on our boys... the torture of 1000 cuts like the Japanese used on captured allied troops during WWII.... but then I am also in favor of carpet bombing the whole area with nukes too....

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At work recently i had to bolt and unbolt a shaft 25'deep and every 1' 250 bolts to install. Well once we were done the watter was dripping down on os slowly drip by drip and i have to say it was driving me and co workers crazy. It should be used because it works.

I know this is not the same as the real thing,but 10hrs turning bolts while slightly getting dripped on sux.

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Gotcha, I think I'm getting it, if you believe in a different god and are of a particular descent... I just want to make sure I never get tortured.

^^^ If that's the case I'm pretty sure you're fucked.

How would you like it handles LIkwid?

Should we feed them some BBQ Brisket and hope the "Itis" gets them to talk?

If you're getting WB'd you're more than likely involved I'm some shit. Or did I miss Nancy Grace reporting on the U.S. WB'ing a 5 year old?

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^^^ If that's the case I'm pretty sure you're fucked.

How would you like it handles LIkwid?

Should we feed them some BBQ Brisket and hope the "Itis" gets them to talk?

If you're getting WB'd you're more than likely involved I'm some shit. Or did I miss Nancy Grace reporting on the U.S. WB'ing a 5 year old?

Ha ha... i love it!

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^^^ If that's the case I'm pretty sure you're fucked.

How would you like it handles LIkwid?

Should we feed them some BBQ Brisket and hope the "Itis" gets them to talk?

If you're getting WB'd you're more than likely involved I'm some shit. Or did I miss Nancy Grace reporting on the U.S. WB'ing a 5 year old?

Oh man I love me some briskett and potatos..... *drool*

You can't have it both ways "you probably did something since you're getting waterboarded"... should we just interrogate EVERYONE and then release the innocent people? It is guilty until proven innocent right? :)

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At work recently i had to bolt and unbolt a shaft 25'deep and every 1' 250 bolts to install. Well once we were done the watter was dripping down on os slowly drip by drip and i have to say it was driving me and co workers crazy. It should be used because it works.

I know this is not the same as the real thing,but 10hrs turning bolts while slightly getting dripped on sux.

you are a bolt turning master.... :D
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Yes and yes. :rolleyes: what venue are you applyling this too. I'm not saying we should waterboard an OSU student for undrage drinking. I'm saying if you live in TrashCanastan and have a weapons cache or plastique residue you're gonna get flexicuffes and blackbagged. Iean did I miss something that said we were WBing whole villages?

And before you say it, I DO believe there is a differance between an OSU student and a Taliban/AlSharpton supporter.

This reminds me of one of my fav quotes.

Let the rough men handle the bad shit so your bitch ass can sleep at night. -George "Jagr" Orwell. ;)

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Yes and yes. :rolleyes: what venue are you applyling this too. I'm not saying we should waterboard an OSU student for undrage drinking. I'm saying if you live in TrashCanastan and have a weapons cache or plastique residue you're gonna get flexicuffes and blackbagged. Iean did I miss something that said we were WBing whole villages?

And before you say it, I DO believe there is a differance between an OSU student and a Taliban/AlSharpton supporter.

This reminds me of one of my fav quotes.

Let the rough men handle the bad shit so your bitch ass can sleep at night. -George "Jagr" Orwell. ;)

Where is TrashCanastan? Sounds like a lovely place :rolleyes::lol:

Anyways...waterboaring, if done correctly, does not really physically harm the person. And people that get waterboarded are people that are considered to have useful information in conjunction with terrorism/ a crime af very large proportions. Like Jagr said, an underage OSU student isn't going to get waterboarded. If you don't want to be waterboarded, DON'T COMMIT CRIMES OF TERRORISM. Is it really that hard?

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The only difference between "an underage student drinking" and "a suspected terrorist" is just that... "suspected"

Like I said before, I suspect you of being a terrorist... prove me wrong....

But whats his face wasnt suspected, he admitted to the 9/11 attacks

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