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Presidential Campaign 08


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I'll tell you what, I'm impressed by this guy. It's been awhile since I've though, "wow, he'd make a good president".


I've been a huge Libertarian supporter since before I could vote. Ron Paul ran as the Libertarian candidate in 1988, and he still has the same views.

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I'm working at the Ron Paul booth at the Geauga County fair this weekend, on Saturday from 5PM to 10PM ... if anyone is around, stop in and say hi, I will give you some literature, you can get a cheap Ron Paul t-shirt if you'd like, maybe a bumper sticker, etc.

Satan if you haven't already done so, checkout the local Meetup group and check into getting involved, Ron can use all of the foot soldiers he can get.

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I have been a conservative my whole life and usually vote republican since they usually follow along the same lines that I do.

My question for you is do you think that someone outside the two main parties has a chance of winning office?

Or is it more likely that they will take votes away from the other parties to make it a one sided election?

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I have been a conservative my whole life and usually vote republican since they usually follow along the same lines that I do.

My question for you is do you think that someone outside the two main parties has a chance of winning office?

Or is it more likely that they will take votes away from the other parties to make it a one sided election?

3rd parties aren't raising the funds necessary to compete nationally, that's why Ron Paul is a "Republican" and not a libertarian independant... it helps you get into the debates, can help you raise money, and helps you get noticed by those who would immediately dismiss any third party candidate as not having a chance.

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3rd parties aren't raising the funds necessary to compete nationally, that's why Ron Paul is a "Republican" and not a libertarian independant... it helps you get into the debates, can help you raise money, and helps you get noticed by those who would immediately dismiss any third party candidate as not having a chance.

I thought that at first until he said that if he didn't get the republican nomination he wouldn't run independently. Pissed me off a little actually.He's gained more than enough support to run against both parties as an independent if he doesn't get the nod.

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I thought that at first until he said that if he didn't get the republican nomination he wouldn't run independently. Pissed me off a little actually.He's gained more than enough support to run against both parties as an independent if he doesn't get the nod.

I don't think he wants to put a Democrat in the White House - that's my opinion on his reasoning.

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I think it's a type of social climbing. Republicans have recently "sold" their party as that of the upper crust. Top of the food chain. Some sort of smug arrogance goes along with being a Republican now. My opinion is that the dems turned republicans are just going where the crowd goes. That or they want gay sex.

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ron paul is the only guy actually talking sense about military operations. he wants to go back to isolationist views that republicans are known to default back to when the US gets too muddled into the rest of the world. i know ill be voting in the rep. primary because hes the only candidate i want to see in office.

i did vote democrat in the last election, but i wouldnt say ive changed my party, really it has nothing to do with party. it has to do with what matters to me.

even if he is a strong candidate, hes not stupid enough to run independent if he doesnt get the rep. bid. all you have to do is look at history to see that running independent is a waste unless you have someone you really dont want to see in office.

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i did vote democrat in the last election, but i wouldnt say ive changed my party, really it has nothing to do with party. it has to do with what matters to me.

If has nothing to do with party, why do you subscribe yourself to one to begin with?

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too bad he won't win. The smartest guy in the room never wins in this country. I'm not a republican but I agree with most of the stuff he says. And more importantly I think he actually believes what he's saying and not just saying what someone told him to say (a la George Bush).

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Two words.....FRED THOMPSON. Yes I said it. Im PRO kicking the ass off of the dictators of this world and giving the people, or the "sheeple" the right to

do the same thing we take for granted and vote in a free election.

Burying your head in the sand over islamic fundamentalists and dictators who support them is the same reason that we had a bitch of a time kicking Hitlers

ass. If you want to wait around until they cover the earth like the nazis did

then try to stomp them out it will be too late because nazis dont blend into your neighborhood like a plain old muslim fundamentalist does until he straps a bomb to his son and sends him over to play catch with YOUR son.

As for the bushies, 17 ignored UN resolutions for Sadam to allow inspectors

to look at how much mustard gas he had left over after he killed thousands of kurds who were his own people! By the way, if George Bush Jr wanted to kill everybody in New Orleans he could have with the weapons that Sadam used on HIS own people BUT SADAM HAD ALREADY USED THEM ON HIS OWN PEOPLE. Democrats are screaming that Bush killed them by building inadequate levys even before he was governor of TEXAS... Yet you overlook the actual deliberate massacre of a group of people in Iraq by a dictator that

gives the world the finger everytime we ask him to check his stash...

I dont want to hear another democrat say anything about how good the UN

is and then get pissed off when we actually follow its empty threats up with

an ass kicking. Just a little two faced if you ask me .

sorry about the ravings of a pissed off individual .........

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Two words.....FRED THOMPSON. Yes I said it. Im PRO kicking the ass off of the dictators of this world and giving the people, or the "sheeple" the right to

do the same thing we take for granted and vote in a free election.

Burying your head in the sand over islamic fundamentalists and dictators who support them is the same reason that we had a bitch of a time kicking Hitlers

ass. If you want to wait around until they cover the earth like the nazis did

then try to stomp them out it will be too late because nazis dont blend into your neighborhood like a plain old muslim fundamentalist does until he straps a bomb to his son and sends him over to play catch with YOUR son.

As for the bushies, 17 ignored UN resolutions for Sadam to allow inspectors

to look at how much mustard gas he had left over after he killed thousands of kurds who were his own people! By the way, if George Bush Jr wanted to kill everybody in New Orleans he could have with the weapons that Sadam used on HIS own people BUT SADAM HAD ALREADY USED THEM ON HIS OWN PEOPLE. Democrats are screaming that Bush killed them by building inadequate levys even before he was governor of TEXAS... Yet you overlook the actual deliberate massacre of a group of people in Iraq by a dictator that

gives the world the finger everytime we ask him to check his stash...

I dont want to hear another democrat say anything about how good the UN

is and then get pissed off when we actually follow its empty threats up with

an ass kicking. Just a little two faced if you ask me .

sorry about the ravings of a pissed off individual .........

I agree with this statement... I hate how everyone screams "No WMD's" as the end all, be all argument... Saddam was saying he had them... then when inspectors came he denied having them... and the Blix inspections were pathetic... "no, you cannot enter today, come back next week..." ... ' ok.' Give me a break.

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