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Apple voids warranty for smoking


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Apple has voided the warranty and refused to provide repair service on Macintosh computers exposed to environments where cigarette smoke has been present. Calling cigarette smoke residue (tar and whatnot) inside a computer a health risk and a "biohazard," in both cases Apple customers have been denied service despite having time left on a valid warranty.

Apple is standing by the decisions, saying that repair centers have the authority to make decisions like this on their own, citing OSHA rules that include nicotine in a list of hazardous substances that could damage the health of someone exposed to it. (Consumerist, which digests the issue with its typical aplomb, adds that sucrose, talc, and calcium carbonate are all also on the OSHA hazardous materials list.)

Interesting... wonder how many other manufacturers will follow suit...:boxing:

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People have gotten so retarded with this stuff.

It gives them an excuse to save a few pennies-- companies always try to weasel out of warranty service, because it costs man-hours, parts, and materials, with no extra income from the customer. This is just one more example.

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I just read the OP again, and I get what they're saying, that the health risk to their employees would be the issue. Gloves and mask anyone? :lol: I remember when working at a computer store a couple coming in that were so bad you would think the computer itself was doing the smoking! Major yux!!!!

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ok, I've looked inside thousands of computers and electronics and never seen anything like that. (IP's pics) The closest to it was a computer from a chemistry lab, and it was all corroded and rusty inside. I wouldn't work on it either. I'd throw it away.

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if you were dumb enough to pay the extra $500 for an illuminated apple on your overpriced computer you dont deserve a warranty.

go "control alt delete" yourself.

When I worked for RCA doing electronics repair, we would get some nasty shit filled stuff across our desks. I opened up a sat. receiver and a herd, Yes a herd of cockroaches scattered everywhere, cat puke was another fun one, as was milk. There were a couple times a piece came through that smelled like Kramer looked on that episode of Seinfeld, but never thought of voiding the warranty for cigarette smoke odors or residue. Hell, the chemicals in the flux, solder, and caps are worst that cig smoke!

Since Apple lets the repair centers make these calls on their own, I'm betting it landed on the desk of a holier than thou non smoker pussy..

I'm not saying all non smokers are pussies, but the ass hat that voided the warranty obviously is..

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I think it has become painfully obvious that warentees are becoming worthless because no one wants to live up to them. I am waiting for children of vegan parents who wouldn't let them eat meat to sue for damages of improper nutrition and associated health effects like weak little bones from lack of calcium.

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Or because they're losing sales to Wii and Play Station and need some good press to keep from going under? In comparison Apple is gaining sales on PC because they are a safer platform, have a better rep and arn't making a new OS every four years to cover up the mistakes of the last OS they produced.

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I worked at the Apple campus just before I moved to Ohio, you can't smoke on Apple property whatsoever. You have to do the walk of shame clear out to the street reguardless of your building. If you don't, you may be reported to your supervisor.

Your co-workers will also treat you like a leper. Shunned for commiting sucide, causing global warming, crap like that.

In the 80's, Apple let people smoke in their cubicles, go figure.

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