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Laughing my ass off at the ex.

DTM Brian

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Well you are 100% right in that sometimes we are judged by what we have. The way I met this girl was at a friends house in Mount Vernon. He had been on my ass about bring the vette up to show him and take him for a ride. He has been a drag racer of very fast cars (7 sec ets) and was a street racer back in the day. Lauren was working for his wife at her tanning salon. It just so happened Lauren was there to see his wife when I come driving up in the vette. She did not waste any time coming outside to introduce herself. After about 5 mins she tells me I understand you also have a bike and have your own business. Right there I should of known. Later on she told me she saw dollar signs when she met me. Well in all honesty I saw a 5'11" tan blonde with big tits. LOL. Looks like I am just as guilty.

Sounds like another Anna Nicole Smith story just waitinig to happen.

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Read the book, “The millionaire next door”. I personally know several people who are worth millions and no one would know it by the things they show. It is meaningless what possessions you show. In fact I have found it to be quite the opposite of people with true wealth.

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Read the book, “The millionaire next door”. I personally know several people who are worth millions and no one would know it by the things they show. It is meaningless what possessions you show. In fact I have found it to be quite the opposite of people with true wealth.

Hmmm. All i know is, if i was millionaire or billionaire...i would build a garage the size of the Boeing plant...and fill it with cars and motorcycles. :D

To the OP. Pat yourself on the back for not letting this psycho chick ruin your life. You know she's bad news...your best interest would be to stay the hell away from her. As it's already been said here, my advice is to try and find someone around your age. Late 20's, early 30's. Maybe a hot soccer mom?

Edited by NightRider
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Read the book, “The millionaire next door”. I personally know several people who are worth millions and no one would know it by the things they show. It is meaningless what possessions you show. In fact I have found it to be quite the opposite of people with true wealth.

Agreed 100% All the toys in the world do not mean shit if you are alone. My point of bringing up the toys is the fact she wanted them gone if were to ever get married when she did not help buy them in the first place.

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The point that you had your toys before her, and the fact that she knew they brought you happiness, only means she should have accepted them. Since she tried to control you by taking away something that gave you such joy makes her a succubus.

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My point of bringing up the toys is the fact she wanted them gone if were to ever get married when she did not help buy them in the first place.

OK I'm like, 500% female all day, every day, but that logic escapes me totally.

Unless you were spending the night in the garage every night..? Giving it up hot and steady to that Black Bitch of yours ...? Although that 'vette IS hot.. I'd do 'er. LOL :p

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The point that you had your toys before her, and the fact that she knew they brought you happiness, only means she should have accepted them. Since she tried to control you by taking away something that gave you such joy makes her a succubus.

^ True story

My girlfriend has five dogs, now I think dogs are cool and all but to me five are too many but it makes her happy. She could care less about a motorcycle but appears to be happy for me when I get another one; she even went with me to 95% of my races as pit help. We’ve been together fourteen years, I plan to keep her.

If this girl couldn't be happy for you when you found pleasure in something she isn't worth trying to keep around.

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Well in all honesty I saw a 5'11" tan blonde with big tits. LOL. Looks like I am just as guilty.

There is a lot to be said about this, I'm just not sure how to say it... nicely. I've never met you, so for all I know you could look good enough to be on a magazine cover. However, chances are that you're not perfect looking. So why hold out for the perfect looking super-model girl? Those types of women are often ignorant and self centered because their looks compensate for areas the brain would usually have a great dealing. I know that if I go for someone "in my league" they are going to think on the same page as I, because they've been through similar experiences. If it looks too good to be true...

All the toys went on the back burner when she came around. Especially the mustangs. Working on both turbo mustangs came to a halt. They did not get any lovin from me. All the lovin went to her. That is going to change in the spring.

You see, instantly you changed yourself. NO. Don't do that. Yes, you should change things up a little bit to make time for the other half. However it shouldn't be significant. You need that time in the shop for yourself, because its what you're used to and it gives you time away from her. No two people can spend 100% of their time together without tearing each other apart. Everyone needs time apart, cuz absence makes the heart grow fonder. :)

Also, why wait til spring? Its something that you love to do, plus it will keep you busy and help distance yourself from the relationship. Seriously, start loving those Stangs now if you really want to pull yourself out of this.

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After about 5 mins she tells me I understand you also have a bike and have your own business. Right there I should of known. Later on she told me she saw dollar signs when she met me. Well in all honesty I saw a 5'11" tan blonde with big tits. LOL. Looks like I am just as guilty.

Contrary to what someone above said about "living well being the best revenge", & in light of these new facts.... I think posting naked pictures of her on here is actually the better recourse for you!!! :D

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well, for the record the ring that I WOULD want IF I was actually ever going to consider marriage ever again(which Im not) cost <3K so I'm just gonna buy the thing for myself when I graduate college just cuz I think its pretty. LOL

Sooo you have a ring picked out already for the marriage you're not ever again considering?

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There is a lot to be said about this, I'm just not sure how to say it... nicely. I've never met you, so for all I know you could look good enough to be on a magazine cover. However, chances are that you're not perfect looking. So why hold out for the perfect looking super-model girl? Those types of women are often ignorant and self centered because their looks compensate for areas the brain would usually have a great dealing. I know that if I go for someone "in my league" they are going to think on the same page as I, because they've been through similar experiences. If it looks too good to be true...

You see, instantly you changed yourself. NO. Don't do that. Yes, you should change things up a little bit to make time for the other half. However it shouldn't be significant. You need that time in the shop for yourself, because its what you're used to and it gives you time away from her. No two people can spend 100% of their time together without tearing each other apart. Everyone needs time apart, cuz absence makes the heart grow fonder. :)

Also, why wait til spring? Its something that you love to do, plus it will keep you busy and help distance yourself from the relationship. Seriously, start loving those Stangs now if you really want to pull yourself out of this.

Trust me I do not think that high of myself in terms of appearance. I did not go after her. She came knocking on my door. 3 days after I met her she called me asking if I were take her on a date and drove to columbus to do so. I am not waiting for that model of woman. What I have always waited for was a woman with good morales and stable. Lauren turned out to be just the opposite. Trust me she not only sold me on her looks but also on a bunch of lies as well.

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Trust me I do not think that high of myself in terms of appearance. I did not go after her. She came knocking on my door. 3 days after I met her she called me asking if I were take her on a date and drove to columbus to do so. I am not waiting for that model of woman. What I have always waited for was a woman with good morales and stable. Lauren turned out to be just the opposite. Trust me she not only sold me on her looks but also on a bunch of lies as well.

Yeah, sorry about that. I didn't mean to make it sound like I was trying to call you shallow or anything like that. I was just trying to get the message across. Way too many people have unrealistic expectations... I blame cosmo, Twilight, etc

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LMAO. Maybe pics of her from 18 months ago when she was able to sell me on the goods. She is about 40 pounds heavier now so I do not think it would go over as well.

I have really funny story how she tried to get me to cosign on a car for her and I told my credit union in advance to decline the loan even though I would have been a good cosigner. LOL. I have few brain cells left in my head.

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Read the book, “The millionaire next door”. I personally know several people who are worth millions and no one would know it by the things they show. It is meaningless what possessions you show. In fact I have found it to be quite the opposite of people with true wealth.

i know a guy with millions in the bank, living in an average size house in a subdivison, and he drives a honda pilot...you would never know it

plans to put all 4 of his kids through college then retire to the bahamas, so he lives like an average joe for now to bank money

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