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Amish Man In Buggy Arrested For DUI


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Or.. we could stop trying to justify using southern Ohio roads as racetracks by blaming someone that is not at fault for anything.


i dont wann hear anything from any of your guys about dealing with amish buggies! over 90% of my customers are amish, i deal with them and their buggies on a daily basis. if you are using your head and actually watching for them you should have no problems. i know i have more problems in a week with morons in cars than morons is buggies.

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How's that different than an Amish Volkswagon doing the same thing? Failure to yield the right of way is one thing. I'm still looking for the "Amish Loophole".. so keep your pants on.

absolutely no difference! but horse and buggy is not as fast or maneuverable as a car. Horses with a buggy cannot accelerate that fast, and horses don't like to backup when there is something behind them...

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KawiKids fuel truck isn't as fast or maneuverable as a car. Should it not be on the road' date=' either? The car is only as fast as the right foot will let it be.[/quote']

You probably don't want to go down that road with me (no pun intended).

I was simply saying, horse and buggy is not JUST dangering themselves, and it's not always a matter of "that guy was driving like an idiot"

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KawiKids fuel truck isn't as fast or maneuverable as a car. Should it not be on the road' date=' either? The car is only as fast as the right foot will let it be.[/quote']

exatly. the amish buggies are doing what they can do. they are no different than a farmer moving machinery from one field to another. its up to you to be responsible enough to operate a vehicle.

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You probably don't want to go down that road with me (no pun intended).

I was simply saying, horse and buggy is not JUST dangering themselves, and it's not always a matter of "that guy was driving like an idiot"

more time than not it turns out its not the buggies fault. its usually speed of the other vehicle that causes incidents

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speed differential is the main factor here. A buggy going 6mph on a 55mph road is not safe even with a pro driver.



This hit the nail right on the head. It's not about ability to operate a vehicle, or how aware or cautious "motor" drivers and buggy drivers are, it's about how great the difference in operation and vehicle ability that's the problem. No matter how good you are at putting the peddle to the floor in a brand new F150, it's not gonna do 7 sec 1/8 times and be able to corner like a z4....

PLUS - If they don't want to pay taxes, FUCK 'EM! GET OUT OF OUR COUNTRY! You can't choose to be a citizen but refuse to pay taxes based on religious beliefs.


I'm not even a god damned legal adult citizen yet, and the government is still constantly dipping into every single one of my pay checks!

Get off the roads you white-bearded hillbillys!

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I agree, don't pay taxes? you have to pay-to-use anything that IS funded with taxpayer money.


Honestly, this country needs to reevaluate!

I mean, I'm not complaining that anywhere else is better. The US is one of the best places in the world to live....

I would just like to see a little of the "change" we've been promised. (And this is coming from a more liberal hippy/dem who would have voted for Obama had I been old enough to cast my say!)

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They should be responsible for their own road on their property when the amish properties are adjoining and frontage is more than 100 yards.

Edited by Gump
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here is some info on the gas tax that EVERYONE pays.


this has a nice break down of where the tax is spent if ya read down throught it.


Distribution Dollar Amount Percentage of Total

Highway Operating Fund $919,547,871 49.7%

Local Transportation Improvement Program Fund 64,592,332 3.5%

Highway Bond Retirement Fund 195,644,360 10.6%

State & Local Government Highway Distribution

Fund (for distribution to counties, townships and municipalities) 224,868,080 12.2%

Gasoline Excise Tax Fund (for distribution to

counties, townships and municipalities) 397,725,654 21.5%

Other1 46,027,083 2.5%

Total $1,848,405,380 100.0%

Edited by kawi kid
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Speaking of taxes and religion... Our national dept would go away if they just taxed churches. I mean they are buildn a 3.2 million $ church down the road from me and they spent 9 mill on the property and earth work. Churches of all kinds need to be taxed like anything else.

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Speaking of taxes and religion... Our national dept would go away if they just taxed churches. I mean they are buildn a 3.2 million $ church down the road from me and they spent 9 mill on the property and earth work. Churches of all kinds need to be taxed like anything else.

well, wouldn't eliminate it all but would make a huge dent... but I agree on taxing them

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  • 2 weeks later...
item one: They don't pay road taxes that every other motor vehicle pays.

item two: Their steel wheels and horseshoes destroy roads at an extremely rapid rate.

They don't pay for the roads they destroy. Your argument is invalid.

It is not a free county, either, sunny boy.

Tractors and heavy machinery tears it up worse :)

I was going to say that Amish do pay taxes, except SS if they were established before 1950 something

We are the stupid ones for paying into SS that can't support itself

Edited by ironbuttwannabe
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Amish buggies cause so many crashes and wrecks... studies have shown (as with the truckers speed limit) it isn't the slow or fast, it's the DIFFERENCE from other traffic.

Buggies should not be allowed on public roads, sorry, but this is how I personally feel. I don't care if your personal belief is cars are evil and all new technology is evil...

put it in the "legal discussion" section :-p

is a (religious?) belief a "pre-existing condition," or a choice?

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If i had the option I wouldn't pay into SS' date=' either. Show me where I can stop my contributions and I'll do it straight away.[/quote']

Make an LLC and you don't have to pay SS, only profit dividends. Only SS you would have to pay is what you take out for yourself.

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