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The Drama Continues

DTM Brian

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As I look at the clock it is 2:25 am. Lauren has been calling and texting me since 1:30 am saying we need to talk. I have not answered the phone. My guess is she is drunk. I do not want to turn my phone off so I am prepared for the worst. If she comes to the house I am calling the cops so they can haul her drunk ass off. I did not want it to come to this. It looks like I am going to need to get a protection order.

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Ugh I had to deal with that with the ex. She would get sloshed and blow my phone up then show up at my house. However, I'm not so strong willed so I'd usually just bang her then kick her out in the am. Seriously though man, if you gotta get a protection order then just do it. No sense in dealing with some crazy bitch that won't leave you alone. Hopefully she doesn't show up, it sucks to deal with a drunken whore causing a scene and waking up your neighbors. Trust me I've been there.

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I don't think you'll need a protection order. If she shows up, and let's face it she probably will, call the cops and have her take her away. I'll go out on a limb and assume she got herself to your place, so if there's any justice in the world she'll get picked up for DUI. Between your willingness to call the police and her new-found legal issues/bills, I think/would hope that's enough to get the message across.

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Well it is close to 3:30 now and the phone calls and texts have ended.


I am really confused. I thought I was not good enough for her being that I do not have a 401k, 500k house in new albany, and I did not buy her the 25k engagement ring she wanted. :bigfinger:

Maybe the date with the pizza delivery guy was a little soggy and cold.


Thank you OR for letting my post my bullshit.

Before you all think I am crazy did I mention I do killer dyno tunes on motorcycles?:D

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Damn Brian. Hell I'm only 21 and I'm sick of the shit the girls my age do. Someone in the other thread made a comment about girls saying they mature faster than guys, total bs. Keep your head up and stay away from her. I've only met you once at one of your Friday Night Dyno Fights, but you seemed like a real stand up guy.

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I vote putting her shit out on the lawn, and make her do the walk of Shame. Or, when she passes out, put HER out on the lawn, then call the cops about some vagrant....

My ex wife kept showing up with her new(dirt bag) boyfriends to pick up the kids(yes, I had custody) for her visitation weekends.

It could ALWAYS be worse!

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As I look at the clock it is 2:25 am. Lauren has been calling and texting me since 1:30 am saying we need to talk. I have not answered the phone. My guess is she is drunk.

Drunk as hell on a Tuesday night.. hmm classy.

Don't you answer that phone. You're better off without her, boo. Find you someone who can bring something to the table and will work as hard as you will to keep a household and a relationship running as smoothly as the bikes you tune.

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this is why i will never get married! Imagin if you had gotten married her!!!!

Good work on not answering her calls. It will get harder to not answer in the future as the booty starts looking better and better. Go get som strange and u will be able to deal with all this allot better!

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Well I had more texts from her this morning wanting to know why I am ignoring her.

Here is the best part. Her voice mail at 10:15 this morning was asking if we could go on a date friday night.

Can you say crazy?

Sorry guys and gals. This is why I do not drink at all. I can not deal with the affects of booze on a person mind. Now I know not everybody gets that drunk or turns that crazy all the time. But this chick as for sure screwed with my mind.

Just going to keep doing what I am doing and wait for a good one to come along.

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Well I had more texts from her this morning wanting to know why I am ignoring her.

Here is the best part. Her voice mail at 10:15 this morning was asking if we could go on a date friday night.

Can you say crazy?

Sorry guys and gals. This is why I do not drink at all. I can not deal with the affects of booze on a person mind. Now I know not everybody gets that drunk or turns that crazy all the time. But this chick as for sure screwed with my mind.

Just going to keep doing what I am doing and wait for a good one to come along.

I'll say it again...keep ignoring the crazy bitch. It's the best way to get revenge. And it doesn't cost you a thing.

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