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possible hunting land I am looking at?


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It's kinda hard to hunt on 5 acres. unless you like sitting.

I'm very interested in buying land with people who do not want to build on it. aka hunting property.

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if you guys think of leasing im in.you can lease 70 acres for $ 2500 a year,so why buy 5 acres for $ 20 000.

There are advantages to buying, but leasing is a good option like rusty said. We just leased 240 acres in Noble county that are next to the 350 my cousin already owned. I think it came out to $16-17 an acre, per year.

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thats allotta monies to go hunting...but im spoiled.....I can shoot deer from my front porch.

That's why if possible it's better to buy. It's an investment, a place to hunt and a source for income.

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Why lease land for $2500 a year? I thought about that for a second then said no thanks. I live in the city and lost the place we using to hunt on. Friend of the family had a divorce in the family and the x wife got the land so no more hunting there. Have tried public land but dont like getting shot at. So I have been looking to buy however much raw land I can afford. I just got bonus from work and have a good chunk to put towards land. The property above it would cover almost half the price of it. If there are a few people looking to buy land I would be up for that as we could get more land. Found 400 acres in north mich for $400 and acre but it is 7 hours away! Hey Gump where you looking to buy land at?

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That land I posted has some tillable ground. I forget if it is 10 or 20 acres. You can rent out the land and that will at least pay for taxes if not a bit more. I would buy it just for an investment and have a place to escape to on the weekends. But right now my time is pretty limited and have my eyes on another property I want.

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Why lease land for $2500 a year? I thought about that for a second then said no thanks. I live in the city and lost the place we using to hunt on. Friend of the family had a divorce in the family and the x wife got the land so no more hunting there. Have tried public land but dont like getting shot at. So I have been looking to buy however much raw land I can afford. I just got bonus from work and have a good chunk to put towards land. The property above it would cover almost half the price of it. If there are a few people looking to buy land I would be up for that as we could get more land. Found 400 acres in north mich for $400 and acre but it is 7 hours away! Hey Gump where you looking to buy land at?

I'd say between Stark and Noble County. East of 77. I saw that Michigan land also and the drive would suck but for the price if we leased it out while we weren't around than maybe. It's all gotta make sense and be convienent, location, future location. Prefer less than 1.5 hour drive from Canton or Carrollton really. If it's a deal i'd probably drive further. I need to talk to my neighbors after huntings over and see if they would sell what's connected to my 36acres. I know they are up there in age. I'd rather invest in land than the stock market. There is a large trend moving towards hunting leases.

This isn't too shaby from looking at the ad. Could plant some groups of trees here and there et ceter. Good coyote hunting i'd think. The other lot for sale on the top left must be connect to it. Pines suck for hunting though.

Add them together say $52,500 for 39.97 acres I'd be in on a split or more. If you look at the aerial photo it looks like it would appreciate in value but i'm not sure if the pins in the right spot.


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this is actually not a bad idea.

if people wanted to pony up money for a club house on a rather large section of land, with a large barn to house a bunch of bikes in during certain weekends...

and situate it in the middle of a place with LOTS of good riding roads, we have ourselves a perfect place to go shooting, rendezvous point for long rides, dirt riding, trail riding, beastiality, whatever.

i wouldnt even call it a club house. i'd say, a bunch of people (on the forum or not) who wanted to pitch in could be co-owners (not sure if there's a limit) of the property.

i have some money laying around that I might be enticed to invest in. also, i want somewhere i can go relax, go shooting, go dirt riding, etc etc etc. we could even get a buggy, and some paintball guns and lots of alcohol, and do a reenactment of your favorite car chase.

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Sounds good, I'm game. I don't think there is a limit. We could develope a buyers contract amongst ourselves and clauses to cover when someone wants to sell, insurance costs, every possible situation, et cetera. Could turn it into a very private club. Owners could then operate the club and charge dues for memberships or just keep it private. Easy as pie.

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I would love something like that just not what I was looking to spend. Bonus wasn't that big LOL!

I am thankful for my job, but with my reduced hours, i agree that this years bonus was not THAT big. IF i could have last years bonus this year, I would be rocking a dirt bike and land to ride it.

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There are few good reads on this topic. An LLC seems like a good idea, Life insurance policies that payout to the other to buy the land, provisions for divorce, all kinds of thing to handle worse case senarios. How the taxes would be paid. Would you want friends of friends showing up. In my book it would be no. Accompanied by an owner only, just a simple, peacful place to visit once in a while and hunt, fish, ride, camp while respecting the other shareholders.

2. If you're going to buy with a group, choosing the members of that group is even more important than choosing the land. One energy vampire, one person who's contributing more money and demands more respect or decision-making power, one person who can't take criticism or won't compromise, even one person with a selfish and competitive view of reality, and your group is doomed. If you're lucky it will fall apart before you buy the land. I think one happy-dog person, friendly and easy-going but undisciplined, will add to a group, but two is too many. You need at least one person who's good at working out conflicts between the other people, and at least one person who's good with numbers.

Different views on the topic:



Alaskan water front land. Kinda intersting and CHEAP.


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