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This is how dumb Sears is...


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They refused to give me my money back on three small items. Their management said there was no way to look up my receipt, even though I purchased an extended warranty for another item I purchased the same day, on the same receipt.

Instead they take the three items on return, and give me a gift card for $51.21. The three items I returned only cost me $30 on sale. So them being stubborn, and refusing to be flexible, cost them $20.

That is all.

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wasn't there a movie where the employees did something similar?

they just walked into the store where they used to work, grabbed an item that cost $48, and took it up to the counter and said they wanted to return it.

"Sears policy is that you don't need a receipt for any item that costs less than $50, so just grab anything that costs under $50, take it to a cashier, and get your $40 from them. As long as you don't go to the same cashier again, and don't pull the stunt more than once a day, it's tough to get caught - and even if you do, you haven't removed anything from the store, so they can't convict you of shoplifting."

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wasn't there a movie where the employees did something similar?

they just walked into the store where they used to work, grabbed an item that cost $48, and took it up to the counter and said they wanted to return it.

"Sears policy is that you don't need a receipt for any item that costs less than $50, so just grab anything that costs under $50, take it to a cashier, and get your $40 from them. As long as you don't go to the same cashier again, and don't pull the stunt more than once a day, it's tough to get caught - and even if you do, you haven't removed anything from the store, so they can't convict you of shoplifting."

i'm totally doing that!!

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wasn't there a movie where the employees did something similar?

they just walked into the store where they used to work, grabbed an item that cost $48, and took it up to the counter and said they wanted to return it.

"Sears policy is that you don't need a receipt for any item that costs less than $50, so just grab anything that costs under $50, take it to a cashier, and get your $40 from them. As long as you don't go to the same cashier again, and don't pull the stunt more than once a day, it's tough to get caught - and even if you do, you haven't removed anything from the store, so they can't convict you of shoplifting."

Yeah there is a movie that does this, but I can't remember right off hand. Let me think about ir for a minute.

They see the guy that they can't stand from high school, and he says, "I have a great opportunity I would like to talk to you about"

I can't remember if it was Sears or not, but I think they returned a set of knives.

Edited by Goldie
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My wife sees people steal from her store and walk out and she isnt allowed to confront them. The shrinkage does count against her however. Weather you believe this is shoplifting or not (it is) you shouldnt do it. It hurts the people in that store who are overworked and underpaid.

Karma is a motherfucker.

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My wife sees people steal from her store and walk out and she isnt allowed to confront them. The shrinkage does count against her however. Weather you believe this is shoplifting or not (it is) you shouldnt do it. It hurts the people in that store who are overworked and underpaid.

Karma is a motherfucker.

That is unfortunate about your wife's work. I do not condone shoplifting by any means. It just bumps prices higher for everyone else.

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Given only two options:

Me out 30

Company out 20

Sorry but I'm not sacrificing because a company makes stupid policies.... I wouldn't do it on purpose, just saying.

Not calling you out or anything, just those who would grab something off the shelf and try to return it. This happens at the local Wallyworld all the time and the idiots get a free police car ride for their efforts.

If the store fucks up, its on them.

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My wife sees people steal from her store and walk out and she isnt allowed to confront them. The shrinkage does count against her however. Weather you believe this is shoplifting or not (it is) you shouldnt do it. It hurts the people in that store who are overworked and underpaid.

Karma is a motherfucker.

if you want I can come confront them for her...karma may be a mother, but I bent that bitch over long ago!:D

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Yeah there is a movie that does this, but I can't remember right off hand. Let me think about ir for a minute.

They see the guy that they can't stand from high school, and he says, "I have a great opportunity I would like to talk to you about"

I can't remember if it was Sears or not, but I think they returned a set of knives.

The movie is "Garden State".

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they like gift cards... people forget to use them, lose them, etc....

I've heard the percent they make from unspent funds on gift cards.

But I'd like to see new numbers for that.

im about 90% sure if you fail to use a gift card the money goes to the govenment not the store........ im gonna search that but i thought i heard that twice last week on different radio stations.

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repeat 5 times every day = $100/day tax-free!

Sears, in this instance, = fail.

Easily explained because they're owned by K-Mart....:mad: Just doesn't seem right being able to purchase Craftsman tools there, does it?

Kmart was originally owned by the "Kmart Holdings Company". Sears was owned by "Sears, Roebuck, and Company", which was in turn owned by Hoffman Estates. In 2005, the Kmart Holdings Company bought the Sears, Roebuck, and Company (and with it, the Sears stores).

So in that respect, you could say that "Kmart" now owns "Sears". But the story doesn't quite end there.

After the merger, the Kmart Holdings Company, which now owned both Kmart and Sears, changed its name to the "Sears Holding Company". So now the Sears Holdings Company owns both Kmart and Sears.

So in that respect, it's more correct to say that Sears owns Kmart.

The only true statement you can make along these lines is that "The company that always owned Kmart now also owns Sears", but it's really not 100% correct to say that either "Sears owns Kmart" or "Kmart owns Sears".

(two failing companies just merged together is all)

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