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2 types of riders and I was the one who fell down!


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So they say there are two types of riders those who have been down and those who are going too!!! Well, until today I had never met the pavement! This morning I was going back and forth deciding to put my full leathers on! Well I did, plus helmet, gloves, and boots! We started the ride off great! Lots of back roads, well thats all we were on! Too many turns to remember! I think that was my problem so many turns I got lost for a moment in time! I had no problem all day long! I decided I was going to ride my own pace and have fun:D well I came up on a few sharp turns and I was doing really well! I came out of the one left hand turn a little too quick and couldn't get set up for the right hand turn that was giving me the evil eye! lol so I knew I was going to go down so I headed for the left ( grassy area) to the right was a nasty gaurd rail! Lets just say the bike won this one! yet I came out on top! Just some good scratches down the left hand side! I felt my head hit the ground hard enough I saw stars!!! I love my helmet! My foot and leg hurt due to the bike landing on them! Thankfully I had boots on! Oh not to mention my damn shoulder hurts like a mother! :mad: oh well lesson learned! I'm thankful to my gear! also to lauren and mike! also to all the other people who made sure I was ok! ;)

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Going down happens to everyone at some point in time if you ride long enough. Sorry, to hear about this. Glad you made it out in one piece. Get well soon.

yeah I'll be fine! just sore! very sore! yep happens to everyone! I'm glad it happend when it did anytime sooner would have been all bad!! lol

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