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That makes me feel MUCH less geeky! :lol:

oh, I forgot the 3 good laptops under the desk at work, and a pile of dead laptops, maybe 6 or 7 to fix. And the new netbook I play with. argh again...

geez, I used to repair the monitors also. Good thing that LCDs are just disposable. I did open a large screen LCD monitor and fix it though. Easy fix, glad I checked.

oh, and a couple of dead projectors hanging around the desk at work also.

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LOL. Now I don't feel so bad accumulating so much antiquated hardware and old computers. I recently went through and got rid of a lot of stuff that just wasn't going to get used as it was just too dated.

I'm way down on the amount of old crap I have sitting around (other than myself that is!) I have a P3-450 or 500 running in the closet though, as my email server. It does nothing else, as I don't think it could handle it!

I need to get pop email running on windows home serverm then I'd forget all about that old machine! Any ideas? It IS server 2k3 under the hood, and I have done some "undocumented" things, that it's just not supposed to do... :rolleyes:

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