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Buy some Sprint stock?


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Done and done, I make calls from your house all the time when you're not there.... erm.... you're not supposed to know about that.

I pee in your toilet and don't flush, then I pee in the top part so when you flush pee comes out.... why you not smart?

I leave an 'upper decker' ... take a shit in the back basin/top part

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I just converted 50 or so lines from verizon to sprint. 20 aircards and 30 some phones. Better business plans. I tested 3 phones and an aircard. The air card has twice the download speed of Verizon. I tested it on two different test sites. Same result difference everytime. My Verizon phone had a few dead spots on the way home. Sprint also did but in different spots. As far as reception goes for Phones it's Sanyo being the best then Samsung then LG. According to an engineer.


• Unlimited Night and Weekend Calling with Nights

starting at 7 PM

• Nationwide Long Distance and No Roaming Charges

• Unlimited Messaging (Text, Picture, Video)

• Unlimited Web

• Unlimited Email for your phone, PDA or BlackBerry

• Unlimited GPS Navigation

• Unlimited Sprint TV® Premier

• Unlimited Sprint Music Premier

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Sprint works well for me, and has for about the past 9 or 10 years. Aprint used to be the only carrier that would work at the shop, through the metal walls. Now, pretty much all work, somewhat in there. The only place my phone drops signal at work is right where I work! If I move to the middle of the shop, I'm ok! Maybe the electrical panel is interfering somehow? EMI maybe?

I'm possibly going to get a new phone with them soon, depending on what kind of dealing they'll do with me on a Hero.

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They aquired Nextel. Quite possibly the worst cell phone company out there. They would have died a quick death if not for the walkie-talkie and the construction industry's love for it.

who do you know with a Nextel now?

+1 Didn't they also acquire Virgin Mobile also? The wold help them in the prepaid market, but i don't know many with prepaids using Virgin either.

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yes.....Sprints not pushing the Nextel line per say. The direct connect has a delay.

In November 2009 they also aquired ICPS Inc.


No idea who they were.

I feel there will be an evening of the masses. We'll see. Thru good old competition and maybe thru government intervention more so concerning towers and airspace.

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yes.....Sprints not pushing the Nextel line per say. The direct connect has a delay.

In November 2009 they also aquired ICPS Inc.


No idea who they were.

I feel there will be an evening of the masses. We'll see. Thru good old competition and maybe thru government intervention more so concerning towers and airspace.

Damn i'm good...:cool:


Zachary Investment Research analyst Patrick Comack said there is also buzz on the Street about better-than-expected post-paid net subscriber losses at Sprint Nextel Co. (S, $4.13, +$0.23, +5.90%), which rose alongside other telecom companies. "A year ago, they were losing a million to 1.2 million post-paid subscribers per quarter," Comack said. "There's talk they might lose half that in the fourth quarter in this year, which is a huge improvement. It's almost shocking."

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  • 4 months later...

personally i know this sounds bad but im hoping for another "crash" Visa was big money for me. Rode the first wave when they went public, then trade triggers fired when it dropped and bought again at 48 bucks. Ford has been phenomenal to me. At 22 years old and good karma these two stocks can now buy me a nice house and new superduty with cash, or more responsibly pay my masters degree and my future wifes masters...or even better just keep it in the market.

Who knew 10k my dad gave me in spring 2007 would be what it is now. I think there should be classes for people who have some spare cash that can learn how to play the market and possibly help them out of financial stress. Ofcourse the risk is great as well.

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personally i know this sounds bad but im hoping for another "crash" Visa was big money for me. Rode the first wave when they went public, then trade triggers fired when it dropped and bought again at 48 bucks. Ford has been phenomenal to me. At 22 years old and good karma these two stocks can now buy me a nice house and new superduty with cash, or more responsibly pay my masters degree and my future wifes masters...or even better just keep it in the market.

Who knew 10k my dad gave me in spring 2007 would be what it is now. I think there should be classes for people who have some spare cash that can learn how to play the market and possibly help them out of financial stress. Ofcourse the risk is great as well.

I'd take that class, and some of that spare cash. :D

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No not selling Sprint. They have their hands in a lot of things and one day it will be go near 80's or be sold. My guess

I have a chunk in Visa. I didn't get in till later but it's up a good bit.

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No not selling Sprint. They have their hands in a lot of things and one day it will be go near 80's or be sold. My guess

I have a chunk in Visa. I didn't get in till later but it's up a good bit.

All of the wireless companies have their hands in a lot of things. I think Sprint should have attacked with more Android devices, like Verizon did. Android is really taking off, and is trampling on the iphone's market, somewhat.

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I agree. Sprint has increased customer service but they still need to increase their cell coverage. They are better than At&t but not as good as Verizon.

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I agree. Sprint has increased customer service but they still need to increase their cell coverage. They are better than At&t but not as good as Verizon.

They just need more tower sharing with Verizon. They do this in many more places.

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I wouldn't be surprised if sprint and verizon eventually make a "deal" with each other. What i think verizon has to its advantage is a very large business customer base as opposed to sprints.

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I think so. Waiting on something to happen. I think Sprint has the prepaid market pegged. They start selling their 4G EVO June 4th. Wimax is an issue of the race sorts.

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