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Snowboarding - Mad River - Sunday 12/27


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I was thinking that I wanted to take her someplace sweet with real hills but I thought about it and she's a newb, so yeah, probably gonna hit up mad river. We're probably gonna go all day. I already took the day off :) Lemme know if anyone wants to car pool... we can probably fit 1 or 2 more in!

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I was thinking that I wanted to take her someplace sweet with real hills but I thought about it and she's a newb, so yeah, probably gonna hit up mad river. We're probably gonna go all day. I already took the day off :) Lemme know if anyone wants to car pool... we can probably fit 1 or 2 more in!

Sweet I will be heading up with joe so we will meet up with ya guys! :D

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Chief, scars add character. Didn't realize you were shooting pics. You caught me on the return for scamming lift tickets. haha

See you guys up there.

Just an FYI, there's a bunk house at a farm across from MRM, other side of 33, $18 a night. Sleeps about 25. Bring a sleeping bag and pillow. Awesome fire place to hang out around, rest rooms and showers. Need to call ahead. Just putting it out there for people who may do a late night and want to ride the next day. NOT A PARTY PAD.

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I love the "this is creepy gap" between you guys. haha

Girls have no idea that we are nice guys. WFT's up with that?

probably because all the girls we seem to run into seem to all prefer tacos to sausage. What's up with THAT.


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hahahaha! That pic is hilarious! The this is creepy gap couldnt describe this any better! OH man, good times at the mountain. ALWAYS. I am going to aspen ski and board today to drop off my skis for a tune up and get some warm socks. I am bring the skis next time too. I miss those... but Im loving the board. I just want to do a few runs on the skis so I can follow Joe closer and watch his non sense... maybe cause a little of my own non sense :D I am thinking of just taking some time off this week. I dont want to be a work and I have no patients the rest of the week. hmmm ? :dunno:

probably because all the girls we seem to run into seem to all prefer tacos to sausage. What's up with THAT.


Ok I guess I have to fill peeps in on this cuz it is very funny and totally harmless. So last week when Joe and I went boarding, we started talking to two very hot ladies. They were very cool, both boarded, we had some drinks, the conversation was good, phone numbers were exchanged and blah blah blah.... Welll after a little research was done... We found out that they were lesbos. hahaha. They wernt very obvious about it at all.... anyway.... SOoooo yesterday, we needed to take a break, I went into the bar area first and I grab a table right next to three ladies. 2 of them... freaking hawt (anyone who was there will agree :D) so joe moves in to start conversing... I eventually went over and just starting saying ridiculous shit cuz the chick in the white hat was saying out of control shit... well, guess what. After about 30min or so of talking to them they just straight came out with it and told me they like the vagina... not the penis. Joe had a good feeling about this abut I didnt believe him at first. I had to confirm :lol: anyway, the group left me, I ended up talking with them for another 30ish minutes and they were shit faced at this point but I convinced them to strap in... not on... and go down the hill a few times. Absolute badass boarders. Anyway, they wanted me to help them construct a "snow vag" not a snowman and at that point I split off and started looking for the group. lol. Good times, and VERY cool girls. I will be video taping for them in the future. We had a long conversation plotting out a porn film we are going to make. I think the title was Recess, involving a milf, school girl, and gym teacher. I was assigned principal. LMAO

Wow, im really bored at work. anyway. Note to all... lesbians love snow boarding. Beware. :)

Edited by yotaman88210
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yota , you left out your birthday when you got C blocked by 2 lezzies also :)

Dude, I was trying to forget that. :nono: Seriously, what is it with me and the ladies lately... honestly tho, these chicks were cool. Not dykes, lesbians! :D Id have no problem chilling with em or going boarding with them. they were fooking hilarious. I mean how many times have you been asked to help build a "snow vag" :lol: crazy carpet munchers!

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Would there be enough interest to put together a NEO run for this week/weekend? Boston Mills/Brandywine

I would consider it. I dont know anything about the area, and I would probably need a place to sleep near there, bc driving 2 hrs after boarding all day doesn't sound fun. OH, and it can't be this weekend for me, bc I'm going to Colorado this weekend. :) Wednesday is a MAYBE... if that's when you are looking at.... ?

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I would consider it. I dont know anything about the area, and I would probably need a place to sleep near there, bc driving 2 hrs after boarding all day doesn't sound fun. OH, and it can't be this weekend for me, bc I'm going to Colorado this weekend. :) Wednesday is a MAYBE... if that's when you are looking at.... ?

Based on how fast you and I both passed out on the way home, we're lucky we weren't driving at all... :)

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Dude, I was trying to forget that. :nono: Seriously, what is it with me and the ladies lately... honestly tho, these chicks were cool. Not dykes, lesbians! :D Id have no problem chilling with em or going boarding with them. they were fooking hilarious. I mean how many times have you been asked to help build a "snow vag" :lol: crazy carpet munchers!

Ya know Yota now that I think about it mabey just maybe your lady prob is your showing them the picts of your proud moments youve got saved on your phone :eek: thats enough to creep em out seriously

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