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How many carry guns have you gone through? w/pics


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They are great guns, BUT I dont like them they feel weird in my hand. It has a un natural feel for point and shoot, the angle is off. I almost feel like I have to tilt the gun foward little to get a flat sight picture with them? Not saying they are bad or they suck I just dont like them. The springfield feels perfect in my hands and fits right.

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i felt that way too when i first shot one.....i came from a 1911 which imo is a perfect feel......but after shooting it 100rds or so you can really dial them in.

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I loved the one the I saw today! Guy behind the counter at my range was talking guns with me today when I was done shooting. It was close to closing time and pretty empty so he pulls out his toy. Glock 21 with only a stock frame almost everything else was aftermarket. He also had it threaded and had a nice wet packed can on it! Went in to the range and watched him put a mag thru it. WOW it was way quiet for a .45 auto. He had something on it that let the slide not move between shots? Fired one round then racked it to fire again? Nice tac light with laser on it also. After he was done and came out he let me fondel it for a sec. That thing is freaking thick! balanced nice with a can on it but was heafty. Still didnt feel right in my hands though!

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i bought the 9 to carry and the 38sp for home. the better half can use the 38 easily and is good with it but she has trouble with her semi 22. She does like the 12 gauge though and shoots it every time we have gone to the range. she doesent like the S&W sigma 9 though. it doesent fit her small hands very well. she can barely hold the 38 well enough to hit something. lol She also has PORN HANDS. lol

Edited by vectorvictor
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i bought the 9 to carry and the 38sp for home. the better half can use the 38 easily and is good with it but she has trouble with her semi 22. She does like the 12 gauge though and shoots it every time we have gone to the range. she doesent like the S&W sigma 9 though. it doesent fit her small hands very well. she can barely hold the 38 well enough to hit something. lol She also has PORN HANDS. lol

i like porn hands :p

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