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Epic thread only Epic if you attended Vrod Daves send off Par-Tee.


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First, I am intoxicated. tHings are a little fuzzy. It all starts at the Moose Koc. We had a nice dinner and good convo. I remember trying to build beeramids out of PBR cans but barwenches kept taintIng them away.

So the booze was flowing music was playing women were getting moist. All in all a great time right? Then someone decides we to should move the party to a , how you say?, oh yeah a Titty bar. So we load up the wagons and head to Sinbads on Brice rd. ( next to screaming willies ) Yota or Blake get us in on the cheap. I believe there were 15 of us all together. The whole place smells like sex and smoke as it should. This place was about as classy as Bill Clnton in a coma ward and I was loving it. A few of our crew were regulars and got some extra attention. Lady lumps were getting me drunk. and Washingtons were being earned. Can't tell much else since SOME wives weren't present.

Use this thread to post you're goodbyes to VrodDave.

If you didn't go you missed out. Stay Thirsty My Friends.

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Holy fooking goat testicles... remind me if we are eva going to the strip club again I get to pick and im sorry, but its gonna be a lil bit more on the WEST SIDE!!!!!! LOL But, good times tonight fo sho! Love you dave.... hope you and teh lady do alrgight in floorduh.

THANKS TO ALL WHO CAME OUT.... and to all you women out there FUCK YOOOUU.

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Sara is probally not gonna be amused with Daves complete inebration but it was awsome ,especialy when he couldnt stop giggling for no reason at all. He'll be completely useless today :D

Was also awsome that is was my wifes first time in a fine establishment like that and she started stuffin bills in places on the danceing dollar collectors . WIN

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Wow. I didn't know that place was still there! Is just as awful as it always was? It's probably been about 15 years since I have been in there! (Sinbad's not the Moose KoC)

Never got to meat ya Dave, but I've heard you ride that V-rod like ya stole it, and pass the sportbikes on it! I also heard that you're ok to hang out with. Good luck in Fla.!

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Never got to meat ya Dave, but I've heard you ride that V-rod like ya stole it, and pass the sportbikes on it! I also heard that you're ok to hang out with. Good luck in Fla.!

He also a funny azz stumbling giggling drunk who likes to smack strippers with dollar bills :D . Man Im gonna miss him

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Watching Dave's drunken progression as he slid lower and lower into his chair last night was just funny as hell.

Lulz were had by all, a good night indeed. Dave, start pounding Gatorade now and pop some Excedrin, you'll thank me in a few hours... :)

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