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Mandatory registration suggestion


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I get what you're trying to do, but is there a way to implement a userbase increase in another way? IE # of threads, time on site, etc etc?

Mandatory registration helps but it can hurt as well. Examples are, sending links to someone, posting on Facebook, advertisers...

Yes mandatory registration adds to the userbase but over time you end up getting more and more 0-1 post users... people get links from friends and then when they go to read the link they are forced to register... lots register, but lots are also put off and just say "forget it"...

Or at least give us a way to link/email threads and bypass the user registration.


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I found this site by searching a question about bikes. I couldn't believe I wasn't allowed or invited to read through. I'm on a few other sites, each approaching a 100,000 members, and all invite anyone to page through anything they want. Even use the search.

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I found this site by searching a question about bikes. I couldn't believe I wasn't allowed or invited to read through. I'm on a few other sites, each approaching a 100,000 members, and all invite anyone to page through anything they want. Even use the search.

That's kind of my point, but didn't want to add to the flames.


I can't find a single board in the top 10 that has mandatory registration for the entire forum.

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I find it ironic you compare Ohio Riders (a privately owned, self funded forum) to the top 10 on Big Boards (corporate backed websites). Have you noticed a difference in the amount of ads on those sites versus Ohio Riders? Good examples to be comparing Ohio Riders against would be:

http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/ - closed completely to unregistered members

http://www.tampasportbikes.com/forum/ - completely open, notice the amount of ads

http://www.chicagoriders.com/forumVB/ - a VERY small fraction of the forums are open, rest are closed completely

We're not just out to increase traffic numbers to help sell advertising.

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So we can only draw reasonable conclusions from not-for-profit, privately funded motorcycle forums?

That makes it harder for sure.

Not sure what corporation backs these sites, but I'm sure someone does.







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So we can only draw reasonable conclusions from not-for-profit, privately funded motorcycle forums?

That makes it harder for sure.

Not sure what corporation backs these sites, but I'm sure someone does.







http://www.cycleforums.com/forums/index.php - VerticalScope

http://www.nestreetriders.com/forum/ - holy fucking Google Ads

http://www.jockeyjournal.com/forum/ - Atomic Industry

http://www.visordown.com/forum/forum.asp?v=2 - magicalia.com

http://www.labusas.org/forum/ - ugliest forum I've ever been on, super low bandwidth though

http://www.bayarearidersforum.com/forums/ - much, much larger site that Ohio Riders. 35k+ members = much larger number of donating members

As I've said before, we could do a lot if we started using Google Ads to rake in some money. I won't though. It really trashes up a website. At this point in time, I will not be opening up the site to unregistered members. I simply cannot afford the bandwidth. There is always some give and take. If you want smaller avatars, smaller sig pics, etc, and/or you want Google Ads, yeah we can open the site up. If you like the avatar / sig pic sizes and only seeing ads of local companies that will take great care of you and who are here to help the site, then quit bitching about whether unregistered people can view the site or not.

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If it's a bandwidth case that makes much more sense. But I think that makes the case for allowing unregistered to see everything but adding AdWords as the "second" post.... gives more of a reason to register (or just install adblock I guess)

But I don't see the ads on any sites... bless you Ad-Block.

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If it's a bandwidth case that makes much more sense. But I think that makes the case for allowing unregistered to see everything but adding AdWords as the "second" post.... gives more of a reason to register (or just install adblock I guess)

But I don't see the ads on any sites... bless you Ad-Block.

I'll never junk a website up with useless ads. Not an option.

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I'll never junk a website up with useless ads. Not an option.

Thank you!

I like the site how it is. I hate sites that have all those ads and crap

I also like it, and the constant little improvements being made!

For all of you that want the board to be completely open, :bigfinger:.

Point A. This is Casper's site, he gets to make the decision.

Point B. What's the big deal with people filling out the little bit to become members? It's not that big of a deal, and it reduces the amount of riff-raff just trying to leech info.

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Given the recent history of this site with all the shit talking, lets look at a scenario. Lets say member X pisses off a couple people. Those people start multiple threads about how member X lies, cheats and steals from others. All lies intended to piss member X off of course but if this was an open forum, ANYONE looking for any type of dirt on member X could see it. True or not doesn't matter, once it's been put on the internet the damage has been done.

Edited by SAMBUSA
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