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Possible bandwidth saver & performance increase


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Was fiddling with my adblock settings and I noticed images here aren't cached (at least on my machine).... I ran quick tests in IE7 and 8 and the images aren't cached in either.

Could save 100-400kb on repeat views if you added an expires for the static content.... Not a huge savings, but since you mentioned bandwidth costs in another thread I figured I'd offer up a way to save a few pennies.

Here's to hoping there's no :popcorn:

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Was fiddling with my adblock settings and I noticed images here aren't cached (at least on my machine).... I ran quick tests in IE7 and 8 and the images aren't cached in either.

Could save 100-400kb on repeat views if you added an expires for the static content.... Not a huge savings, but since you mentioned bandwidth costs in another thread I figured I'd offer up a way to save a few pennies.

Here's to hoping there's no :popcorn:

I guess I'm not sure what you're talking about. This is per YSlow:

Empty Cache

HTTP Requests - 87

Total Weight - 184.8K

1 HTML/Text - 12.1K

8 JavaScript File - 39.7K

3 Stylesheet File - 3.1K

4 CSS Image - 0.9K

71 Image - 128.8K

Primed Cache

HTTP Requests - 86

Total Weight - 13.6K

1 HTML/Text - 12.1K

8J avaScript File - 0.0K

3 Stylesheet File - 1.5K

4 CSS Image - 0.0K

70 Image - 0.0K

That clearly shows 128.8K of images (all 70 of them) being cached. What are you talking about?

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Is that by any chance with IE7? Since posting I learned some of the discrepency comes from default settings in IE7 but not IE8 or FF.

I believe IE7 caches for same day/session if there's no expire set in .httaccess but IE8 uses web standards and doesn't define it (?)

Not sure, you're more familiar with the site obviously... do you see a lot of users with the same image GET requests?

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Is that by any chance with IE7? Since posting I learned some of the discrepency comes from default settings in IE7 but not IE8 or FF.

I believe IE7 caches for same day/session if there's no expire set in .httaccess but IE8 uses web standards and doesn't define it (?)

Not sure, you're more familiar with the site obviously... do you see a lot of users with the same image GET requests?

Nope. I tested with Firefox and Safari. I only have a Mac and Ubuntu/Fedora machines. No Internet Destroyer here.

Whatever browser you're using, load Ohio Riders, then go offline and try loading it again (click the logo up top, don't hit refresh). Did the page and images load? They should've. They do on my end.

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Nope. I tested with Firefox and Safari. I only have a Mac and Ubuntu/Fedora machines. No Internet Destroyer here.

Whatever browser you're using, load Ohio Riders, then go offline and try loading it again (click the logo up top, don't hit refresh). Did the page and images load? They should've. They do on my end.

Well that explains it! You have to stop using web compliant machines and browsers! :) IE still has more than 70% market share :(

I'll dbl check tomorrow, IE will force cache if you go offline (sometimes), either way thanks for looking at it.

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Well that explains it! You have to stop using web compliant machines and browsers! :) IE still has more than 70% market share :(

I'll dbl check tomorrow, IE will force cache if you go offline (sometimes), either way thanks for looking at it.

Even my iPhone is caching.

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