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Sun 1/03/10 - Thunder Valley Tactical Steel Match.. First match of the New Year!!!


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Once again, there will be another long range tactical shooting match for those interested. No one from OR other then myself has shown up yet but the board grows every day thanks to Ben and all the members so I figured I would post the event details in case there are some new members interested. As of now there will be around 30 guys showing up and that includes a bunch of new guys who have never shot long range before so feel free to come out and learn and watch. There will be allot of top notch rifles here so im sure you would enjoy even just watching for a bit. Not to mention that qutie a few of us will be using suppressors during the match.. :) There will be people coming from NC, Il, MI, PA, KY, IN, TN. Its gonna be a good time for sure.

The match will be held on Sunday 1-03-10 (This Sunday) at 9:00 a.m. sharp!

This event will be a 16 steel target tactical match. The highest possible score is 160. 10 points for a first round hit, 5 points second round hit 2 points third round hit. Targets are engaged from 275 to 1165 yards.

You will need about 60 rounds of ammo. Extra shooting after the match is the norm here so bring more if you wish. Make sure to dress warm and bring a lunch and or cooler with some sandwhiches we can transport it in the range vehicle.

Match fee is $30.00

Winner will receive his entry fee back.

Please bring spotting scopes if you have them they are a great tool for the new guys. .338 cal. or under please.

Make sure your bolt is out of your rifle.

Match is free for spectators.

Make sure to have ear protection.

All new shooters welcome and we will help you along the way.

If you have never shot past 100 or 200 yards and are interested in this, I recommend you give it a shot at least once. Its an incredible feeling to hit a 12 inch disk at over a half mile. (1000 yards) Some of the shooters who show up are sporting custom builds and are engaging the 1 mile (1760 yards) target.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me if your interested.



Edited by flounder
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Likwid you want to carpool dowen I may be interested in going down. I don't have anything to shoot that far besides my mosin. I don't think the .223 in my mini would be much good past the 200yrd mark. let me know.

Definitely thinking about it, I'll figure it out before Saturday.

That'd be funny though, your first time shooting the Mosin.... 1000 yds iron sights.

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Like I said guys fell free to get ahold of me if you have any questions. I definitely would suggest a scoped rifle or else your just going to be wasting everyone elses time at the match and throwing useless lead downrange. Especially if you have never done this before. We can teach you the drops with a scoped rifle sighted in at 100 but in all honesty, you probably wont get to shoot with a iron sights rig if your just looking to try it. You may be able to shoot from the benches before it starts but there will be quite a few people in the match and time is going to be an issue. I would still recommend coming out to learn more about the sport if your interested.

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Im going to be leaving columbus around 7 or 730 at the latest on sunday if anyone needs to follow. I have to say, its a bit tricky to find and allot of cell phones dont work out there. Township Highway 145 is easy to miss.. Just remember it will be on your right and there is a small house on the corner. Its just a gravel rd.


This should also help you to be able to zoom out and figure out exactly where it is.

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Well Flounder since none of the northern twats can ever make up them minds on what the hell they want to do. I most likely will try to make it down solo to watch the match. So is there any chance of sticking around after the match to maybe get some shooting in?

You may be able to get some shooting in from the benches if you get there before the match. There are allot of shooters so I can see the match running from 10am until almost dark but who knows. If you have a scoped rifle, you can shoot the match and we can teach you the drops of your rifle. There will be allot of first timers this time and spectators.

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Youre more then welcome to show but just remember that the closest target is 100 yards that people use to sight in for the day and then after that, the closest target is something like 275 which is not until position 3 of the match. Ranges are as follows for the targets throughout the match. There are 4 targets engaged from each position and here are their ranges as engaged in order from each position.

Position 1: 550, 950, 1165, 875

Position 2: 550, 865, 670, 775

Position 3: 275, 365, 570, 1040

Position 4: 570, 505, 729, 592

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Yeah if they are that far I think the .223 is a little underpowered. I might just come down to watch. So what do you guys shoot from on the bench? Bipod or something like a lead sled, or bean bag type rest. Maybe I should sell something to go buy me a bolt in .308 with like a 20x power scope on it? Found something that might work but think its a bit outta my price range!


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We have people that shoot .223 out to 800-1000.. not many do it but it can be done. If its windy dont count on it.

You could get a setup capable of doing it for under 1K. If your actually interested in getting something let m knowand I can help you out.

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