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Westland mall Gun Show. New years weekend. Columbus.


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Theres not really anything left in the mall ! Hopefully they tear it down and build the casino there. Like 5min from my house :D

Yeah. its been dead a while i know but i dont remember it that way.

A casino on the westside is fitting. :rolleyes:

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Let me know if and when you are going to this Jagr. I'll meet you there since I wanna see if they have a left handed IWB holster. Either day works for me. I can grab those other pieces from you as well at this. :)

I was gonna call you and see if you were going. Whats your carry piece?

Also look on ebay, they have more than a few for southpaws.

Ill bring your goodies Likwid sent you.

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I was gonna call you and see if you were going. Whats your carry piece?

Also look on ebay, they have more than a few for southpaws.

Ill bring your goodies Likwid sent you.

I have a don Hume right handed holster I have been using for the past couple years that i really like. I want the same one I have only in a left handed model since I'm left handed. Thanks for the eBay tip! I never thought abot checking there.

I carry a Springfield subcompact xd40.

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Hooked up with Pedro, Moose and 1000rrRider. Lunch at Dirty Franks Hot Dog Palace was Awesome. PBR on tap FTW.

I will prolly go back tomorrow. i found out i haz a secret weapon made for the CIA in the 60s/70s and its worth some serious cash. so i might have it looked at.

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I was thinking about going back but that bootleg ass handstamp they used has rubbed off and I'm not paying again to get back in. Why they expected a handstamp to still be visible after a day of washing my hands I will never know.. They shoulda used the bracelets that they used to use. :(

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I was thinking about going back but that bootleg ass handstamp they used has rubbed off and I'm not paying again to get back in. Why they expected a handstamp to still be visible after a day of washing my hands I will never know.. They shoulda used the bracelets that they used to use. :(

I agree, especially in light of the increase in hand-washing and hand sanitizers! I understand that they're not able to give your entry ticket back to you (as you could pass it to another outside for a reduced price), I don't see the why a stamped ticket with your name written on it couldn't be used. Quick ID check and you're back in, no matter which day or how many times I employ the habit of washing my hands.

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So did anyone get any unbelievable deals or was everything over priced like I would expect?

This one honestly wasn't as bad as the others. .223 ammo was reasonably priced at some tables; .33 cents a shoot brass cased PMC brand. I got a couple extra 1911 mags for 12 bucks each. There were a couple tables with overpriced shit but there were some deals.

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Yeah. It wasn't too bad.

Picked up 2 hiCap glock mags for $10 ea.

And a buttplug for $8.

Also a nice S&W folder for a couple bucks more than most E-outlets.

I was gonna go back today but too lazy.

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Cool cool. I haven't been to one in a while, usually overpriced. The only one I go to regularly is the Sportsman's Club in Johnstown, mainly because it's local and it's just not guns, flea market stuff too.

Post up when that starts. id come out for that.

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Yeah. It wasn't too bad.

Picked up 2 hiCap glock mags for $10 ea.

And a buttplug for $8.

Also a nice S&W folder for a couple bucks more than most E-outlets.

I was gonna go back today but too lazy.

I was too lazy to go back out today too. Not too mention it's a balmy 15 degrees out!:) thanks again for bringing that stuff for me.

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