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Firefight in Los Vegas Couthouse - video


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Gunman walked in with a shotgun under a jacket. Monday morning.


LA Times - Gunman, security officer killed in Las Vegas courthouse shooting

The camera guy says "Not a good day for jury duty". Yup.

errr... That's Las Vegas Courthouse... I'm going back to sleep...

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Better yet' date=' good thing we encourage people to save their own money and not rely on a government program to pay their bills when they are old. Can you imagine what would happen if, one day, someone's benefits were cut due to something as insignificant as moving to another state? Wow.. good thing we are smarter than that.[/quote']

I know, dude can you imagine what would happen if the court system unfairly imprisoned people or if suddenly judges could be swayed by local politics! Man, we'd be in a tough spot.

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They should have had a few Deputies at the front doors manning the entrance. Wonder where the breakdown in security was? Too bad' date=' but I can't get into my courthouse without walking through a metal detector and emptying my pockets.[/quote']

all reports are that the guy didn't get past the metal detectors; he just walked in, pulled a shotgun out of his jacket, and started firing while IN LINE for the security checkpoint.

what do you want them to do? move security outside? So then the crowd of people outside gets shot up instead.

You can't prevent idiocy. Am I missing written sarcasm somewhere?

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Pfew, good thing noone can bring weapons into courts, this could have been bad.

I know! It sure is a good thing that bad guys follow the no gun signs. It's a good thing that good guys follow the no guns signs too! We wouldn't want people to defend themselves or anything!

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