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usenet, anyone?


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if this is a repost, suck it. just kidding, my bad.


10/mo for life or 95/yr for life.

pretty cheap in the world of usenet.

don't ask me how to use it or how it works cause i'm just starting to learn about it myself.

now, if someone want to give us some lessons on it or helpful tips, that would be great. otherwise, you'll have to read up on it yourself.

there are TONS of uses for usenet, but for most of us, it's a great, FAST, much more secure way to share data.

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...there are TONS of uses for usenet, but for most of us, it's a great, FAST, much more secure way to share data.

Dude, usenet is so '90's. Seriously, haven't used a newsgroup since the late 90's.

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Dude' date=' usenet is so '90's. Seriously, haven't used a newsgroup since the late 90's.[/quote']


The 90's?!

Newsgroups was the place to be for porn since the 80's and I mean early 80's.

I used an 8 bit IBM Z80 CPU to download data files at 300 baud so I could look at them on my Taxan green and black monitor.

Ah those were the days, all the girls were green! Kinda made you feel like "the Kirk" gettin' all the exotic girls! :D


The down side was nobody cared if you had a PC back them. They just wondered what a PC was.

Yep, to the rest of the world everybody with a PC was one of those "Trekies".


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The 90's?!

Newsgroups was the place to be for porn since the 80's and I mean early 80's.

Oh I know. Usenet was popular before the world wide web. I got my first pc in '92 I think and the internet was brand new and shiny, I remeber tryin to explain to Melissa what the "net" was when I brought home the pc. Of course I used BBS's before the web, I remember downloading pics and games from bbs's @ 9600baud.

Back to usenet though, it was there where I encountered some porn I wish I could forget, back then there was "actual" kiddie porn widely available on usenet, not some UK 18 and 19yrs olds, I saw something once purely by accident that I will never forget and wish I could. You know you always hear about this crap, people getting busted with tons of videos of little kids and you never quite understand the horror of what its really like unless you've seen it. And trust me, once was enough. :puke:

So if you're gonna druge around on usenet, do so carefully cause there IS some bad shit out there. And you don't want that crap on your pc.

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Yea, there is always some bad stuff out there.

What I always wondered about was the stuff that you couldn't tell what it was.

Codes, cyphers and other things posted for reasons that just weren't obvious.

I followed one set of posts for a couple of weeks till I figured out they were smugglers.

Posts like:

237 1000 g6 2kg


The clue was at the end of every post they added a line such as" +3"

Which meant jump up 3 newsgroups to reply to the post.

Then it started to make sense 237 was the flight number, and 1000 was 10Am, g6 was the gate number, 2kg weight etc.

Once you strung a few of the posts together it was pretty clear what was going on.

Did you ever hear one of those number channels on shortwave?

Where they read a series of numbers all day long?

Weird stuff.

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Yea, there is always some bad stuff out there.

What I always wondered about was the stuff that you couldn't tell what it was.

Codes, cyphers and other things posted for reasons that just weren't obvious.

I followed one set of posts for a couple of weeks till I figured out they were smugglers.

Posts like:

237 1000 g6 2kg


The clue was at the end of every post they added a line such as" +3"

Which meant jump up 3 newsgroups to reply to the post.

Then it started to make sense 237 was the flight number, and 1000 was 10Am, g6 was the gate number, 2kg weight etc.

Once you strung a few of the posts together it was pretty clear what was going on.

Did you ever hear one of those number channels on shortwave?

Where they read a series of numbers all day long?

Weird stuff.

So did you go pick it up? I'll bring the hookers if you got the blow.

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