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VrodDave has moved.....


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Well he's gone folks, house is empty, cars are all gone, no more of that goofy ass grin of his. He's off to Florida to have fun in the sun, go to bike nights every week of the year, and pick up doggie poo for a job. So, Here's a farewell thought for the dude that made that cruiser rock..... Thanks for all the good rides, and the great memories... Gonna miss ya bud... Take care and don't forget about us a-holes stuck up here in the freaking snow.:thefinger:

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Good Luck to ya Dave.

I'll take the snow here and there over the rain, hurricanes, heat, humidity, all strait road, old people everywhere driving sloooww, and half the population no speakie no englaseis. Have fun Dave gonna miss ya man. Oh and mosquitos the size of birds.

It's not that bad. There are more retired people driving slow in Ohio. Seriously, the statistics show more retired people in Ohio than Florida. Except for perhaps in Winter, when snow birds go South. And I rarely ever see a mosquito in Florida. Although I pretty much stay out of the swamps. Mosquitoes are everywhere in Ohio.

I agree with todd , i cant learn spanish that quick so i am stuck in ohio. Good luck dave and stay in touch man :)

It's not that bad, except maybe for Dade County. That's one of the four counties in the US that is high percentage Cuban/Mexican/Latino. Spanish was everywhere when Cuba invaded. So it was crazy for a while with everyone speaking Spanish all the time. But most all of them learned English. So it wasn't too bad. Two-thirds of all American Latino families eventually speak English at home.

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I spent two years in Clearwater and after about 6 months couldn't wait to get back. The winters were incredible, though. Florida is so low that everything's built right on top of the water table and it stinks. It's also really flat so there's no need to build curves anywhere. The people are great but so many come and go that you may know someone for 4 months and they're gone. I've got lots of friends from Florida who live somewhere else now. The thing is, it's great for vacation, but when you live and work there it wears off and you start missing the seasons. It was Fall for me.

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Bet he is disappointed right now. It is below freezing there too! I am not laughing, honest!

I know.. my dad went down to Ft. Myers last Sunday morning. He is pretty miserable and they both have colds.

Said tomorrow (Sat) will be a high of 35 degrees.

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Well he's gone folks, house is empty, cars are all gone, no more of that goofy ass grin of his.

Soooo, when you get the garage code from Dave, whens the party gonna be???? Empty houses are great for throwin a big fricken bash!


Oh and Dave, sorry I missed your party and didn't get a chance to say goodbye!

PS. Give moose the garage code :D

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