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Little early- but.. Komen Race for the Cure (Columbus)


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I don't know how many of your participate in the Komen Race for the Cure here in Columbus. :flag:

I did for my first time last year.

I was wondering if when they start registering if any of us would like to put a Ohio Riders group together to do this 5k together?

I don't care if you walk, jog, or run like a greyhound during it. I just thought it would make a strong statement to the community to see such a hardcore group of bikers :lol:do the race.

I know there is always a group of bikers that cheer on the particpants on High Street... I was just thinking of a group of us doing the race together.

  • Soooo.. have you done the race?
  • Do you plan to do it this year? (Saturday, May 15, 2010 beginning at 8:00 a.m.)
  • Would you like to have a Ohio Riders 'Cure' group?


Edited by DGTL GRL
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What does this charity benefit go to? I am wanting to do some type of benefit for Autism, also. Like a poker-run or something fun. I have heard that there is some type of Autism Ride already. So, maybe we can all just get together for it too. Thats another one for everyone to think about. Since you seem to be trying to organize, do you think that you can help try to get that going? I would really appreciate it. Have a niece that has sever Autism. Anyways, Looking forward to meeting you sometime this season!

Edited by Bodyman
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