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A* Jacket Help

Radio Flyer

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The jacket I have now is a Fieldsheer perforated jacket but it's a little bit to big for me.

From what I can tell I'm supposed to get a US 36, so should I get a 46 or should I get a 48 for a little wiggle room? I don't know how much give is to much.

The jacket I have now is a 40-42 US.

I'm looking at the A* STAGE jacket.

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Hate to say it, but no answer is going to beat trying one on....or sending it back if it don't fit. Hell, I've tried on two different jackets of the same make by the same damned company and got a slightly different fit. Plus, no one on the interweb would know your build, relative to theirs or the sizing charts. Maybe you've got a belly, or a nice rack, or a hump on your back or some other disfigurement that would f up the whole guessing game.

Hope that helped. :)

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You dont want it loose with "wiggle room" as you said. You need to try them on and get one that is comfortably snug. A loose jacket will let your arms flail around when you go down and start tumbling and can lead to dislocated shoulders and broken arms. A snug jacket limits your movement and will help keep your arms close to your body where they should be helping the "tuck and roll".

Unless your just trying to be stlyish and look cool in leather then get whatever looks pretty.

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