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Glad to see that our Gov't is keeping track of...


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Nuclear warheads are transported across the US constantly and you don't know it.

+1... The plane could have fallen out of the sky and burst into flames and the warheads wouldnt have gone off. I wouldnt have a problem sleeping next to

a nuke as long as my finger wasnt on the last number w the keys turned.


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That policy is damn near 10 years old.. I guarantee it has been updated a few hundred times since then... And nukes are transported more then you may think, although i believe its usually done by train in most situations. The issue here is not that they were transported by air but the fact that they were "Lost" for sereveral hours..

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one time I lost my keys for two days and it pissed me off alot. I guess it is a good thing that I did not lose nuclear weapons.

I did that once.. scariest thing ever.. the ring had every key on it.. APT, garage, bikes, padlocks etc.. I thought for sure they were stolen when I came inside from working on the bike. I actually sat up all night that night with my pistol sitting beside me because I was expecting someone to come back and steel my shit.. I found the keys the next day sitting outside on the electric junction box. I evidently sat them there while I was giving the neighbors dog a milk bone..

Yes I keep treats for the neighbors dogs.. cant help it. I love animals.

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Actually, they transport them very rarely, and usually in pieces.

I found this DoD manual. Thought it was kinda cool:


Sorry man. They move and shift locations of nucs way more often than you know. The movement, actual location and next location are all classified and for good reason. I'll just leave it at that.

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