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Haitians VS Mexicans


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An old friend of mine who happens to be Mexican brought this up in a conversation the other night. I thought it was a rather interesting view point.

"I'm sick of hearing about Haiti. You want to bring in people from other countries and then adopt their kids, but you build a fence to keep mexicans out. Who wants to come to the US? Mexico is just as bad and in need of help. It may not be from a natural disaster, but Mexico still needs help. We wanted to be apart of the US but we are being driven out. Where's the help?"

So I pose the question, why should the US give so much aid to Haiti and adopt their children, but not Mexico? Mexico is our neighbor after all. Shouldn't we help our neighbors and our own before helping others? I think of it as the speech we've all heard before every flight. If the oxygen masks deploy, put your's on first, then help your neighbor, then help any others who might need help.

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i personally think we should fix our own damn problems first, its been ~4 years and new orleans is still a mess.

well it is a city built under sea level and then they build a wall around to keep water out which in turns also keeps water in. Brillant.

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An old friend of mine who happens to be Mexican brought this up in a conversation the other night. I thought it was a rather interesting view point.

"I'm sick of hearing about Haiti. You want to bring in people from other countries and then adopt their kids, but you build a fence to keep mexicans out. Who wants to come to the US? Mexico is just as bad and in need of help. It may not be from a natural disaster, but Mexico still needs help. We wanted to be apart of the US but we are being driven out. Where's the help?"

So I pose the question, why should the US give so much aid to Haiti and adopt their children, but not Mexico? Mexico is our neighbor after all. Shouldn't we help our neighbors and our own before helping others? I think of it as the speech we've all heard before every flight. If the oxygen masks deploy, put your's on first, then help your neighbor, then help any others who might need help.

I agree we should be taking care of business at home first, but as stated by Justin in an older thread, the aid we give is a mere speck of dirt in the grand scheme of our national budget. Yes, we need to do a better job of fixing things in our own country, but our aid to others isn't making us bankrupt.

Tell your friend from Mexico, that if he wants to kill 150,000 Mexicans and create a situation where there are considerable amounts of orphaned kids, he'll be more than welcome to sit back and see what our response will be.

Until then, he can STFU.

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i personally think we should fix our own damn problems first, its been ~4 years and new orleans is still a mess.


good point never really thought about it like that. I think I am going to hell because I have hardly any compassion for haiti at the moment not sure why.

...and this

call me a compassion-less asshole but how many other countries helped after Katrina? How many problems does our country have already? I'm sorry but I won't give a dime to Haiti because if I was in need would they help me? no. I understand the argument to this being we are more fortunate but sorry, I'm an eye for an eye kinda guy

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Well the efforts in Haiti are mainly being funded by the American Red Cross which is a private organization. I don't think we should be sending any gov't aid over there. We have too many problems in our own country as for the Mexicans I again say we have too many problems of our own, we don't need any more...

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...and this

call me a compassion-less asshole but how many other countries helped after Katrina? How many problems does our country have already? I'm sorry but I won't give a dime to Haiti because if I was in need would they help me? no. I understand the argument to this being we are more fortunate but sorry, I'm an eye for an eye kinda guy




To sum it up, 40-50 countries pledged aid, and some of it we turned down:


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i personally think we should fix our own damn problems first, its been ~4 years and new orleans is still a mess.

:plus1: the wife and I have been foster parents (and adoptive) for 8 years now. BELIEVE you me, there are a shit load of kids and families within the USA borders that need help first and foremost.

I've always said we should just overthrow the Mexican "government" and make it a province like we did w/Puerto Rico. Hell of a lot easier to fix if you run the place.

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Here is my issue at hand. Unless we spend money we are not willing to spend it's completelly pointless. The government there was so corrupt that people were living off of dirt for food, litterally! While they sat back and goreged on what little they had. I refuse to donate $'s to big organizations who are helping Hatti as a whole b/c I am afraid the government has a good chance of gobbling up the majority of it all while the people "get what they need".

Now I do feel bad for the children who have lost their families and have absolutelly nothing to live on or for. I am for giving money to building orphanages and other childrens adoption programs but not giving money directly. Those kids that were there have no idea how to survive and without people like us stepping in they will die of starvation and desease.

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You cannot help corrupt governments, simple. I remember the British goverment forgave 30 million pounds ($50,000,000) to some african nation and the next day the King of that country treated himself to a new Boeing 747. You cant trust the politicians anywhere.

I pay taxes to pay for things here in the United States where I live.

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You cannot help corrupt governments, simple. I remember the British goverment forgave 30 million pounds ($50,000,000) to some african nation and the next day the King of that country treated himself to a new Boeing 747. You cant trust the politicians anywhere.

I pay taxes to pay for things here in the United States where I live.

Very well put!

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It seems "to me anyway" everytime I watch news coverage, be it CNN HLN or local news all the video they show of the food lines and riots, disruptions, hostility and people complaining about aid not getting there fast enough "like its owed to them" are well dressed well fed people that dont NEED it. Then they switch to the people on the streets and in tents wearing tattered clothes holding 3 babies odviously in need of help getting nothing and being queit, calm, patient and asking if help will come. Shit like that bothers me and makes me not eager to help because I truely dont think it will get to the people who really need it.

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You cannot help corrupt governments, simple. I remember the British goverment forgave 30 million pounds ($50,000,000) to some african nation and the next day the King of that country treated himself to a new Boeing 747. You cant trust the politicians anywhere.

I pay taxes to pay for things here in the United States where I live.

And there you have it. I made my position pretty clear in the original Haiti thread, but as much sympathy as I have for the people there I have just as much cynicism for the government. Unfortunately, that cynicism has been proven by decades of history.

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I don't feel "we" the citizens of USA have a moral or civil obligation to donate any money to Haiti. I also don't feel anyone should be donating money to particular organizations that are big right now but I can get into that separately.

I also don't feel anyone else has a moral or civil obligation to donate any money to ME should I be in a disaster.

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To sum it up, 40-50 countries pledged aid, and some of it we turned down:


That was crazy reading that... I can't believe how much money the UAE has....

But THIS is the most interesting

An article in the April 29, 2007 Washington Post claimed that of the $854 million offered by foreign countries, whom the article dubs "allies," to the US Government, only $40 million of the funds had been spent "for disaster victims or reconstruction" as of the date of publication (less than 5%).[49]

Additionally, a large portion of the $854 million in aid offered went uncollected, including over $400 million in oil (almost 50%).[49]

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I don't feel "we" the citizens of USA have a moral or civil obligation to donate any money to Haiti. I also don't feel anyone should be donating money to particular organizations that are big right now but I can get into that separately.

I also don't feel anyone else has a moral or civil obligation to donate any money to ME should I be in a disaster.

That's what's so incredible to me personally, that suddenly everyone can be rallying around the charity of Yele Haiti when it's been all but PROVEN that Wyclef's using the charity as his personal slush fund.

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