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You're way nicer than I am....

Thank you Justin. Ben I've never stated I was an IT person or knew a great deal about the internet at all. I am quite computer illiterate. :( Yes I know how to search wiki but why when I can type in a thread and have someone discuss the issue at hand. Isn't that what the forums are for?

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Thank you Justin. Ben I've never stated I was an IT person or knew a great deal about the internet at all. I am quite computer illiterate. :( Yes I know how to search wiki but why when I can type in a thread and have someone discuss the issue at hand. Isn't that what the forums are for?

I was thinking more along the lines of posting a picture of a spider, because you asked what I spider is.


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I was thinking more along the lines of posting a picture of a spider, because you asked what I spider is.


Yea, idiot. :lol:

I guess I'm ahead of the curve. I actually have separate personal and work social network accounts. I never accept friend requests from anyone I don't know also. All of this mitigates any potential risks.

Too late for me. My life is pretty much integrated. That being said, I've got my privacy settings on lockdown and follow the friend request thing pretty strictly.

Either way, it's not like you can REALLY hide from anything, it's just how much effort and hoops do you make your stalker(s) jump through before they get to you.

Edited by JRMMiii
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I was thinking more along the lines of posting a picture of a spider, because you asked what I spider is.


ahhhh. :) Well I'm not as bad as my mom. About 6 months ago she literally asked me what the "world wide web" was. Bless her heart. She lives out in the boonies and has not desire to ever get herself a computer. I gave her my old PC and she still won't even get internet hooked to it b/c she thinks "big brother" is gonna be spying on her. LoL.

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Employment is based on your skills and past work ethics. Not what you happen to type on a keyboard during YOUR OWN TIME.

You're about as paranoid as the IT guy I work with.

Not as much as you would think.

Many stories out there of people getting fired/not hired over facebook items from years ago. It happens more than you would think. Bosses look you up on the net just to see who you are.

Just sayin'

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You must have a lot of skeletons hangin' in your closet Justin.

That's the problem.... He hasn't come out of the "closet" yet

:lol: Yea, gotta watch those

To be fair... that's from Todd's wife's album... no one would know to search there for me if they didn't already know.

Yeah, but she tagged you, didn't she? I know I've been tagged in a bunch of 'em, & they're showin' up on my Profile Page. Not sure if anyone else can see them besides me, 'specially "Friends" from church/school.... but my boys haven't been askin' me any sheep questions so far, so I'm hoping not

I don't accept Friend Requests either, from people I don't know in person, or who don't use their real name. My apologies..... I know a few on here have sent me requests recently.... But if I don't know you in person, please don't take it personal

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You can block stuff, just set EVERYTHING to friends and friends of friends, and call it done.

Mine's set to "Friends" ONLY.... Forget that Friend o' Friend stuff... I don't know who those people are

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Wow! We've been called out! I'm not so sure I want to be bunched in with that group....

Deny it in public all you want.... But the heart wants what the heart wants

That's a good group. No posers in that lot.


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