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Dubai seeks global dragnet for Hamas slaying


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Additionally... you equating defending Hamas to being "from palestine" doesn't exactly make you a credible source.

So long as hamas run countries shelter terrorists who launch missiles into CIVILIAN land in Israel, yes, expect Mossad AND the rest of the world to continue "murdering" the cowardly assholes that use mosques, women and children as shields.

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Additionally... you equating defending Hamas to being "from palestine" doesn't exactly make you a credible source.

So long as hamas run countries shelter terrorists who launch missiles into CIVILIAN land in Israel, yes, expect Mossad AND the rest of the world to continue "murdering" the cowardly assholes that use mosques, women and children as shields.

I am originaly from nablus

And hamas is now launching rockets and so on civilians but and only for example, the last terrorist attack israel had on gaza killing more than few thousands of kids , women and olders that makes palestinian terrorist ? The fact they concured the land makes palesti nian the terrorists ?

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Wait... are you talking about Hamas or Palestinians? I haz a cunfuzed.

There is no "palestine", there's palestinean territory. Unfortunately the largely peaceful settlers of Gaza have a militant terroristic organization "leading" them.

hamas launches missiles into Israel from Gaza... from schools, from residential homes... they stores missiles in mosques that the inhabitants want to PRAY in because Israel, in the past, said they will never destroy another religions places of worship.

There is nothing wrong with Gaza except it's inhabitants are held prisoners by a terrorist organization. That's why when the territory war ended and Israel offered Gaza BACK to Egyp, Egypt said no chance in hell.

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I am originaly from nablus

And hamas is now launching rockets and so on civilians but and only for example, the last terrorist attack israel had on gaza killing more than few thousands of kids , women and olders that makes palestinian terrorist ? The fact they concured the land makes palesti nian the terrorists ?

Cite your sources please, because you'll find you're off by a mile.

hamas launches missiles from grade schools onto CIVILIAN cities for decades. Ashdod has been under fire for 10 years. hamas extremist news reports thousands die yet when the WHO and Israel show video and images of their tactical missiles hitting underground tunnels and bomb storage houses with no thermal signatures.

You seriously need to open your eyes, Israel is not a threat to the palestinean territories, YOU are. The people that defend hamas because that's all they know... THAT'S the biggest thing stopping you from having a peaceful homeland, and for THAT I am truly sorry.

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There is no "palestine", there's palestinean territory. Unfortunately the largely peaceful settlers of Gaza have a militant terroristic organization "leading" them.

hamas launches missiles into Israel from Gaza... from schools, from residential homes... they stores missiles in mosques that the inhabitants want to PRAY in because Israel, in the past, said they will never destroy another religions places of worship.

There is nothing wrong with Gaza except it's inhabitants are held prisoners by a terrorist organization. That's why when the territory war ended and Israel offered Gaza BACK to Egyp, Egypt said no chance in hell.

From all the none trueth in this reply I wana say that, no likwid palestine is there and always been, and will always be , israel concured it and that is it , concurer nothing more nothing less, gaza has never been a part or egypt and will never be it is a part of palestine and will always be.

End of story for me about land, but if anyone abused Palestine, I will always be here to reply.

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Cite your sources please, because you'll find you're off by a mile.

hamas launches missiles from grade schools onto CIVILIAN cities for decades. Ashdod has been under fire for 10 years. hamas extremist news reports thousands die yet when the WHO and Israel show video and images of their tactical missiles hitting underground tunnels and bomb storage houses with no thermal signatures.

You seriously need to open your eyes, Israel is not a threat to the palestinean territories, YOU are. The people that defend hamas because that's all they know... THAT'S the biggest thing stopping you from having a peaceful homeland, and for THAT I am truly sorry.

I did never defend hamas, I know nothing about hamas , all I said is, the assisnation of that guy , the way it happened made me angry, but when anyone try to deny that palestine is there, and deny that israel is a concurer, that what upsets me and make come back and reply.

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Wait... you post as if you know everything about the history between the Jews and the "Palestinians"' date=' but you don't even know who the fuck Hamas is?

2 theories:

1. You are an innocent pawn stuck in a cruel, uneducated world.

2. You are lying.[/quote']

Ofcourse I know my country history, but that doesn't mean I know anything about hamas operations or any bullshit like that, I know about palestine cause as I said I am originaly from there, it is my original land, my father was born there as well as his parents and so on, I love that land that is for sure, but how does that include that I am supporting hamas or any other groups in there or know anything about them ? Are they part of the land history ? They are there in the present, but all I know about them is what hear in the news and so on, again tell me how does that mean I should know anything about them or their operations ????

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Wait wait, I said I don't know about their operations, I know who hamas is, I hear about their stuff from news too, they bombing or whatever you are saying about israeli schools, I've never seen that, but I saw israeli airforces videos on youtube while they are throwing phosphor bombs in palestinian schools, did you see that ? No? Easy it is on youtube, I know I saw it in arabic song about palestine, so , wana chwck it ? Cool, please do, again my question remains how does all what I have said indicates that I no matter how support hamas or who ever ? All what I said was about palestine and the fact that the assisnation of that guy made me sad/ angry ....

So please stop twisting stuff.

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