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Angry guy runs a plane into an IRS building in Austin. Leaves death note.


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Yeah, that's why I have mixed feelings on this. His beliefs seem very grounded. Unfortunately his plane was not.

Quite the contrary. His plane is extremely grounded right now.

I lived about 15 minutes from there. He actually burned his house in Scofield Farms on a street where several of my friends live. It's a fairly affluent area of north austin. Youre definitely not poor living in that neighborhood. As of two hours ago, my friends said the building is still smoking.

I understand the guys discontent with the IRS and taxes. I feel bad that it came to this, esp due to taxes, and it involved his entire family.

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I just read the letter in it's entirety. You can definitely tell he was an engineer.

His frustration stemmed from chasing the 'American Dream' instead of just being a content drone in a cube, a cog in the machine. He wrote of many of the injustices of the American Way. Ones that we're all aware of, ones we complain about ourselves, but are too selfish or apathetic to do anything about. Joe did, in a dramatic fashion. After reading his manifesto, I can empathize with him.

I give him an 'A' for his message, but an 'F' for the delivery.

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Wow, I too am impressed by the guys well thought out manifesto and train of thought. It is apparent he was on the same line of thought as many have been saying for a while. Politics is no longer about the people, it is a bussiness that is self perpetuating. Every level makes a loop hole that feeds back to another level of government which in turn reinforces the legitamacy of the later.

The real irony is that his actions are backed up by the recent actions of several politicians who have chosen to leave congress due to it's ineffective nature. The political reaction to this will be interesting to see, white wash from the media or outrage.

In the mean time I intend to copy his letter so that when it is deleted from view it will not be forgotten.

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+1 Good message, but it is horrible that innocent people were harmed with his attack on the IRS. I agree with many of his views in that message, as do many others I am sure...it will be interesting to see how the media/government will twist this around..I just know it will happen. Hell, you can't even see his letter online anymore because of the FBI...how patriotic is that. 1st Amendment???

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I give him an 'A' for his message, but an 'F' for the delivery.


Wow, I too am impressed by the guys well thought out manifesto and train of thought. It is apparent he was on the same line of thought as many have been saying for a while. Politics is no longer about the people, it is a bussiness that is self perpetuating. Every level makes a loop hole that feeds back to another level of government which in turn reinforces the legitamacy of the later.

The real irony is that his actions are backed up by the recent actions of several politicians who have chosen to leave congress due to it's ineffective nature. The political reaction to this will be interesting to see, white wash from the media or outrage.

In the mean time I intend to copy his letter so that when it is deleted from view it will not be forgotten.

:plus1: again

(no one tell him it's already been "deleted from view")

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He couldn't pay his taxes yet he had his own "private plane" hmmm possibly selling it would have helped some, or who knows maybe taking better care of his taxes. His business licenses was suspended in California twice for taxes.. then he moved to another state. I hate paying taxes as much as the next person but that is what we have to do and learn from our prior mistakes. He could have done something different to correct it, but instead he complained and complained about it. He did however have some good points that most would agree about government, and taxes but that still doesn't mean that he should have taking it out on people who work for the IRS. Way to go taking your frustration out on people who are like you and me working to make a living. They surely were the ones who "intentionally" pinpointed their focus on you and no one else.

Ok, rant is done. Just my opinion.

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He couldn't pay his taxes yet he had his own "private plane" hmmm possibly selling it would have helped some, or who knows maybe taking better care of his taxes. His business licenses was suspended in California twice for taxes.. then he moved to another state. I hate paying taxes as much as the next person but that is what we have to do and learn from our prior mistakes. He could have done something different to correct it, but instead he complained and complained about it. He did however have some good points that most would agree about government, and taxes but that still doesn't mean that he should have taking it out on people who work for the IRS. Way to go taking your frustration out on people who are like you and me working to make a living. They surely were the ones who "intentionally" pinpointed their focus on you and no one else.

Ok, rant is done. Just my opinion.

He stole the plane.

For everyone else skimming the thread and about to post another "sell the plane" rant: HE STOLE THE PLANE.

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How's this guy tied to the Tea Party movement?

How is this guy's manifesto in line with Tea Party ideals?

You know' date=' it's really hard to answer that question since the Tea Party really doesn't have a unified platform or message, they're really just a bunch of people with wildly different agendas that are mostly pissed off because a black guy got elected President. That aside, the one thing that started this whole thing off was the issue of excessive taxation, which is basically the cornerstone of Stack's manifesto.

I don't. I'm glad he's dead. I just wish he hadn't hurt others in his selfish endeavor. He's a piece of shit.

Agreed there. You want to make a point, that's fine. Including innocent people into your tantrum just means you're a fuckstick.

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You want to make a point, that's fine. Including innocent people into your tantrum just means you're a fuckstick.

I guess that brings up a topic of discussion.... define innocent people. If you're just a demon working for the devil, you're still evil. If you work for Walmart, you're helping kill small business. If you house and feed a wanted felon, you're guilty. So define innocent.

I'm not defending him for the record. I'm just offering something to debate.

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He stole the plane.

For everyone else skimming the thread and about to post another "sell the plane" rant: HE STOLE THE PLANE.

According to many different websites doing reports on this he did not steal the plane, so before you go crazy on everyone. You should first think before you speak because you might be the one who's wrong.. So no need to be an Ass about it

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I guess that brings up a topic of discussion.... define innocent people. If you're just a demon working for the devil, you're still evil. If you work for Walmart, you're helping kill small business. If you house and feed a wanted felon, you're guilty. So define innocent.

I'm not defending him for the record. I'm just offering something to debate.

Ah, the Nazi paradox. (Who had two thumbs and godwinned the thread? Bob Kelso!). I recall in the OKC bombing, the building had a daycare for the office workers inside. I don't see people like that as being connected to this in any way, ergo, innocents. Now the question of the actual workers gets alittle more murky.

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+1 Good message, but it is horrible that innocent people were harmed with his attack on the IRS. I agree with many of his views in that message, as do many others I am sure...it will be interesting to see how the media/government will twist this around..I just know it will happen. Hell, you can't even see his letter online anymore because of the FBI...how patriotic is that. 1st Amendment???

PM me your e-mail address and I'll send you a copy.;)

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He was making a statement, I get that...but realistically are laws going to change in the aftermath of his deviance? I doubt it. The most that will be done is the IRS will use reinforced steel and bullet proof glass when rebuilding their offices...maybe start keeping them underground. So, what exactly did he accomplish?

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I interpreted his rambling diatribe as leftist. I find it disturbing that some people would consider his murderous act justified and heroic. I've known many chronic, self employed tax evaders. Most are just douchebags who are more than happy to let you and I pay their share. I suspect this guy was of the same ilk.

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I interpreted his rambling diatribe as leftist. I find it disturbing that some people would consider his murderous act justified and heroic.

I dont think anyone is saying his actions were justified and heroic, just that he doesnt sound like the nutbag you would expect him to sound like after reading his letter.

His story, as he explains it is that of a man who has been fucked by the gubment on many occasions to the point it has ruined him financially.

His actions were stupid, but it did bring to light the fact that achieving the American Dream is becoming impossible for the middle class as we are being taxed out of existence.

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