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Anyone use GPS loggers?


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I'm thinking about getting something like this GT-600 for tracking my trips. It's kinda cool. Using the time of the GPS stamp and the time from your camera, you can merge the info and see the pictures you took on a map. This would be pretty neat for tracking trips. Plus, for those times I find random roads I'd be able to pull up the GPS info and see exactly where I was. They've dropped in price drastically in the past few months.

So, has anyone here used anything like this before? Does it work well? This thing is small enough I could velcro it to the underside of the windscreen.

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I'm thinking about getting something like this GT-600 for tracking my trips. It's kinda cool. Using the time of the GPS stamp and the time from your camera, you can merge the info and see the pictures you took on a map. This would be pretty neat for tracking trips. Plus, for those times I find random roads I'd be able to pull up the GPS info and see exactly where I was. They've dropped in price drastically in the past few months.

So, has anyone here used anything like this before? Does it work well? This thing is small enough I could velcro it to the underside of the windscreen.

The GPS I just got does a trip log, but it doesn't tag images (my cell phone has that feature)... I haven't found it particularly useful but for longer trips it might be cool/

Make sure you enable the "Where am I" feature so we can stalk you :)

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The GPS I just got does a trip log, but it doesn't tag images (my cell phone has that feature)... I haven't found it particularly useful but for longer trips it might be cool/

Make sure you enable the "Where am I" feature so we can stalk you :)

I have GPS tracking through the iPhone for Carie to see where I'm at on trips. It's realtime, viewable online. This logger would be more for mapping out trips after I get home (or when I'm bored at the hotel) and to tag images with the GPS position.

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My GPS logs trips as well - kinda useless for me though. It'll put the track on a map and you can slick anywhere on the map to get speed, date, time, elevation and someother useless (to me anyway) info.

Older GPSR's did a lot of this stuff whereas the newer ones are made for dummies and don't have as many features. The Soccer Moms just didn't wanna pay for the extra stuff.

It'd be neat if the camera did it for you and listed it under the "Properties" menu.

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My GPS logs trips as well - kinda useless for me though. It'll put the track on a map and you can slick anywhere on the map to get speed, date, time, elevation and someother useless (to me anyway) info.

Older GPSR's did a lot of this stuff whereas the newer ones are made for dummies and don't have as many features. The Soccer Moms just didn't wanna pay for the extra stuff.

It'd be neat if the camera did it for you and listed it under the "Properties" menu.

Soccer moms suck.

When you load the data from the GPS logger, you can merge the GPS info with your pictures. It compares the time the picture was taken to the timestamp for the GPS location, then writes that GPS location to the EXIF data of the image. Then websites like Flickr, Photobucket, etc and programs like Google Earth, Streets and Trips, etc can put the image on a map. It's pretty cool actually.

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Ahhhh..... The 21st century "leash" ;)


No, it's for trips. So if she doesn't hear from me for a few hours she can look and see I'm still moving. If I'm not moving for more than about 30 mins and not answering the phone, I'm either pissed, dead, or taking a shit... or all of the above.

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If I'm not moving for more than about 30 mins and not answering the phone, I'm either pissed, dead, or taking a shit... or all of the above.

....or in Bumfuck, Utah where they don't have cell service for 200 continuous miles.

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No, it's for trips. So if she doesn't hear from me for a few hours she can look and see I'm still moving. If I'm not moving for more than about 30 mins and not answering the phone, I'm either pissed, dead, or taking a shit... or all of the above.

Soooo.... How'd you keep it movin' when you guys were in the strip clubs out west??

Tie it to one of the roosters when you were at the Chicken Ranch? :D

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....or in Bumfuck, Utah where they don't have cell service for 200 continuous miles.
True true.
Soooo.... How'd you keep it movin' when you guys were in the strip clubs out west??

Tie it to one of the roosters when you were at the Chicken Ranch? :D

:lol: You know, that's something we didn't do. Maybe next time. :lol:
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I do this couple of ways. My Palm Pre geo tags any pix I take w/the camera so I can easily pull up that info in iPhoto or whatever. My Garmin Nuvi 765t has a "Photo" feature. It allows you to take a symbolic snapshot of where you are at. No real pix, but it tags your location on your gps for download and review later.

I also installed "where is my pre" which tracks my route and time stamps at my chosen interval.

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Does anyone use or know anything about the Sprint family locator service? I might be switching my phone service and this looks like a cool way to keep track of my weekend rides in real time for the folks back home. I am terrible about checking in when I am out and for whatever reason it's thought that riding with the lovely folks around here is dangerous, mostly because you guys ride too fast. Is there another service like this that is better or cheaper? The Sprint service is $5 a month for up to four phones.

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For a while I was using a Garmin Nuvi 200 GPS unit to geo track. It was their entry level unit and you can pick them up pretty cheap. You needed to apply a hack to it in order to make it record your travel (hack: http://www.nerdboys.co.za/2008/03/19/garmin-nuvi-200-track-hack/ )

After the ride I would dump the data into the GPS Visualizer site ( http://www.gpsvisualizer.com/# ). This site is also good for converting GPS output from one format to another.

From there you can put your maps on sites like EveryTrail http://www.everytrail.com/

Long story short... It was interesting but I didn't use it much. The Nuvi 200 hack does not allow me to set the time/distance interval so it was collecting a position check ever second or so. This seems to drain the battery quicker so I had to keep it charging all the time. I found it easier to just hit the 'where am i' button every now and then and save that as a location name like 'today-1', 'today-2', 'today-3'. Then when I got home I would just look at google maps and my saved locations in the Garmin and I could usually figure out where I'd been. That didn't give me speed or elevation data but I wasn't too interested in that anyway.

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Soooo.... How'd you keep it movin' when you guys were in the strip clubs out west??

There aren't too many strip clubs out west really. I don't think Utah has them at all and I've never seen one in Colorado either.

However, Des Moines, Iowa is pretty much Mecca when it comes to strip clubs. They're big, nice and clean (the clubs, not the strippers), full nude and full alcohol. You'd never suspect that Iowa has great strip places.

West Virgina is another great one- same as Iowa and cheaper.

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