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Been around riding the Cleveland and Southern Ohio area for quite some time now. Rode a few times with some "Ohio-Riders" in the past... I was bored today, so I decided to check the site out.

Going to try and make a few QS&L's...haven't been to one in two years. Always seems my work travel schedule gets in the way.

Anyways, not much one to putt around town, if I'm going to ride, I'm heading south for the day or weekend. Planning to be in the Smokey Mountains for a week in June (again - this will be my 7th year in a row for June). Usually go at least once more throughout the year. With some Hocking Hills madness thrown in for fun four or five times a year.

See you out there...

Mike - N. Ridgeville

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Oh geeze...yet another N'R.

You have a couple members right around the corner from ya I'm sure.

Welcome and try not to get upset when the local OR thugs show up and start causing trouble.


PS - stay away from RVTPilot...locals in NR say he walks on the other side of the street if ya know what I mean.

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They'll let anybody in here, I swear.
Yes they will... :bigfinger:
hey wacky, its been awhile since we rode together. do you still have your sv ? and what happened to the buell ? (in your avatar pic)
Sold the SV last year... it's for sale again actually. In Alabama.

The Buell is taking a nap. Sandy hills and the Buell don't mix without some speed. BUt the second time was much better....

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Thanks for the Welcome's... Yes, I am an honorary North Ridgeville Hillbilly. I went from extreme to extreme. Moved to Strongsville from Buffalo back in 2001, then onto the 'Ville in 2004.

No complaints yet, I find this Ohio state to be a very nice one to live in. Now I just need to get some plates on the FZ1 (was running NY plates - bought it from my dad late last year) this week. Jones'in for a ride. This weekend the wife is abandoning me, so it'll be a garage weekend getting the bikes ready (mount tires, suspension work on the FZ1 and various other crap...) But mostly it'll be drinking beer and playing with tools (that aren't named Zach!) :eek:

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