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Obtaining Evidence from Social Media Websites


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Well, duh.

That SHOULD go for itself... but people are stupid...

What specifically bothered me is that they say that "most sites will release information for emergencies"... basically all these bullshit privacy policies and terms of service don't mean diddly shit when LE says "ZOMG WE NEED IT NOW!!!!!!!!11111elevenelevenoneoneoneone"

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We have had 9 people fired because of what they put on their face book pages during work hours. Calling you boss fat and stupid isn't all that smart. Even if you forgot that she was on your friends list.

Wasn't there a banker or mortgage broker that took a bunch of money and split. I think it was in seattle, the DA followed him on facebook and had the Mexican Popo pick him up.

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People should realize that nothing, let me say that again, NOTHING posted on the internet is private.

not to mention that Ohio Rider posts make it right up there at the top of the list on a Google search...

spooky, just spooky

(go ahead, search for "spooky, just spooky" in a little bit....)

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not to mention that Ohio Rider posts make it right up there at the top of the list on a Google search...

spooky, just spooky

(go ahead, search for "spooky, just spooky" in a little bit....)

You're very right there, Casper has some spectacular SEO going on.

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