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$100,000 spills from armored car; passers-by pocket most of it so far


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Yeah, it's pretty stupid. The police keep coming on the news saying we are investigating, and we will be charging those guilty with grand theft.

Except, the only problem is, you can't charge anyone when you don't know who took the cash you idiots. Just a scare tactic to try to get people to turn in the cash. Lesson learned for the armored car company.

And yeah, I wish I had been there as well, I would be debt free right now.

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Yeah, it's pretty stupid. The police keep coming on the news saying we are investigating, and we will be charging those guilty with grand theft.

Except, the only problem is, you can't charge anyone when you don't know who took the cash you idiots. Just a scare tactic to try to get people to turn in the cash. Lesson learned for the armored car company.

And yeah, I wish I had been there as well, I would be debt free right now.

No shit. Not only is the money insured, but the guilty party is the car company for failing to properly secure their cargo. You want to charge someone, charge them with gross negligence.

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Man, I sure wish I would of been in the ghetto that day :(

Recession, what recession? It's literally raining cash in the hood!

No shit. Not only is the money insured, but the guilty party is the car company for failing to properly secure their cargo. You want to charge someone, charge them with gross negligence.

Agreed. I mean, if I had $100K in a duffle-bag in the back seat, and while negotiating a corner, the door opened and the cash flew out... The only investigation done by CPD would be to investigate why my black-azz was driving around with $100K... Cash... In a duffle-bag of all containers.

They wouldn't charge anyone with anything, just tell me that I should lock my doors next time (as they close the cell until the investigation is closed).

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I see you own a motorcycle, they let you people own property now?


It's massa's... I just finished polishin' it up boss:rulez:

(Note: I'm currently posting from a location which disables the viewing of certain pics... So I have NO idea what's in your post).

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<Just a picture of Philosoraptor scratching his chin>

Cool... Was thinking it was a pic from the Chapelle Show when the Playa Haters went back in the time machine to hate on the slave owners...

(Please do NOT ask why my imagination conjured up that image)

BTW You think that this thread has been sufficiently jacked, or should we move on to another level of digression?

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