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Unemployment Extensions?


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In everything we do and every species, finding a way to get more while doing less is normal and expected. Same reason birds fly in formation. Not saying milking the unemployment paycheck is right by any means but there are lazy people out there and there will always be someone that takes advantage of what they are given.

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where do some of you get a person on unemployment is lazy?

it's not welfare. they had a job. their job threw them to the curb like yesterdays trash.

it's not their fault they are jobless right now.

you can't get unemployment if you quit. and I think you can't get it if you get a simple fired.

they have your employer fill out paperwork to prove you were working and are laid off.

these people are not lazy. they are stuck between a rock and a hard place. until you are foced to be in that situation where no jobs in your line of work are available, you don't know what it's like being forced into the reality of having to give up everything you worked hard for just to take a job making what you did after highschool all over again.

and we all know how shitty that is.

and don't come back in here with the go back to school shit. you know god damn well how long it takes to get a degree and find a job. you are looking at 3-5 years easy. you got exactly 26 weeks without an extension, 53 with it. what kind of cracker jack box degree are you really going to get in 53 weeks?

GSXRNurse got her second bachelors in 13 months and makes about 3x as much as she did before. Her "CrackerJack" Degree is serving her well. Maybe if people didn't live above their means they would have money saved up for a "rainy day". I could easily make it two years without any income or unemployment benefits.

Everybody I know who was receiving unemployment didn't start looking very hard until they got close to running out of time.

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I almost always sign up for classes when unemployed. It helps during interviews. They like that sort of stuff. It must be on the secret list of reasons to employ a person.

I think it is great when they show "Job Fairs" on the news and everyone is either dirty or has their freshly ironed jeans hanging off of their ass.

I do know a couple of exceptional people that were laid off and I guess that means the economy is actually pretty bad and neither had financial troubles and both are currently employed. They can chime in if they would like too

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GSXRNurse got her second bachelors in 13 months and makes about 3x as much as she did before. Her "CrackerJack" Degree is serving her well. Maybe if people didn't live above their means they would have money saved up for a "rainy day". I could easily make it two years without any income or unemployment benefits.

Everybody I know who was receiving unemployment didn't start looking very hard until they got close to running out of time.

great story, but try switching a career.... that's what we are talking about here. you don't get a bachelors (in a new career field) from a good accredited school in 13 months.

besides, not everyone wants to be a nurse. it sounds great until you have to clean the crap from someones back side. :D

Edited by serpentracer
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I think we should pay everyone the same amount no matter what job they do, that way everyone is equal and everyone will be happy.

LOL, that doesn't bode well for enthusiasm, productivity, reward or importance.

If everyone was average, nothing would get done.

Good try but, "FAIL" LOL

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Local unemployment is pretty bad around here.

This was a factory oriented town, so you have a bunch of older folks with nothing but a High school diploma, and a couple of manufacturing certs under their belts. Not a whole lot of places round here to use that kind of stuff anymore.

A lot of the folks that have come through my office, are going back to some sort of school. Lots of truck drivers, and nursing students. Or are trying like hell to get another manufacturing job in the surrounding area. The kicker to this is that most manufacturing jobs, require an online application or resume. Most of these 40+ somethings, have no idea how to type, surf the web, or upload a resume. So they require additional training.

There are the occasional few, that just come in and mope around, wanting us to find a job for them. They take very little interest on the subject. It's quite frustrating working with them.

So in conclusion, I don't see this as a problem for most people, however, like everything else, there is always a select group that ruin it or give it a bad name. Are all of these people lazy slobs? Absolutely not. Are all of these folks motivated to get back to work? Absolutely not.

Everyone's case is different. Don't judge until you've walked a mile in their shoes.

Edited by Cdubyah
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Like I've said before.. Ya'll are just pissed off because I'm getting my money back. Unemployment is not the same as unlimited welfare. Also' date=' it's insurance that I paid into for this very reason.. without any say-so, mind you. So, any comments about being hypocritical can be shoved up your ass.

SRSLY, I'm not sure about the job market in Columbus, but it absolutely sucks balls up here in NEO. Besides, every company I go to and apply at tells me the same thing. They are seeing a slow, rising sun on the horizon, but until they call back all of their laid off employees.. they ain't hiring outsiders.

Also, I was torn about taking an extension on my unemployment, since it was Federally funded. However, I got an e-mail stating the state had overpaid me by more than $4,000. I'm not sure how this is possible, since I used the online system they put in place, but it happened. I took the extension so I could pay them back that money. Should be paid off in a few more weeks.

Now, if anyone here wants to swing out by my place and discuss how much of a lazy, hypocritical piece of shit I am.. my address in on my website. Oh, and don't bother packing a lunch because I'll be handing you your ass on a plate.[/quote']

It's okay, Pauly, I don't think you're a lazy fuck OR a hypocrite.

(...Just a closet liberal. I knew you'd come around eventually! :p)

In seriousness, though, the whole idea behind a lot of these so-called entitlement programs is this:

We recognize that there are certain problems which affect some of our citizens that bring broader consequences for all the people around them (namely, the rest of us). In order to mitigate those consequences, we all pay into what amounts to an insurance program aimed at those specific problems.

Letting otherwise productive people fall into abject poverty because of something beyond their control is harmful to our society. We lose a working pair of hands, their kids tend to do less well in school, their neighborhood declines, and so on. It's much better to at least try to help them stay afloat till things settle down. If some percentage of the people who receive that benefit are 'milking' it, so be it. I don't mind helping a couple hundred free-loaders if the net result is that I helped a few thousand normal dudes like Pauly make it through and get back to their lives.

Of course the system, like every system humans have come up with, is imperfect. It needs work. It needs lots of educated citizens paying attention and pushing our leaders to make smart changes. It needs to be streamlined and carefully studied to see what does and does not work well about it.

But just because it's not perfect doesn't mean it's not still a good thing overall.


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The company i work for is getting busy and has called back all the people that have been laid off. Also in the past couple weeks they have been interviewing other people. I work in a machine shop so its not really expected of you to show up in a suit for an interview. But this guy they were interviewing/walking thru the shop was wearing a confederate flag bandana, busted ass Cleveland Brown's jersey, black wind breakers and his lawn mowin shoes. Now come on dude. How can you be taken serious looking like that in an interview. Is it that hard to atleast wear a good pair of jeans/kakis and a shirt with a collar. Maybe he had to show unemployment that he was looking for a job but really didnt want one. Who knows!?

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