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The voice of Reason!


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Untie was an intentional typo by RFM

I have to laugh to keep from crying at how horrible people like that make themselves look. And maybe I'm just super judgmental when it comes to stuff like that, but if you're going to take the time to make signs and march around making a political statement then 1) You need to know what your statement on your little posterboard means. and 2) For the love of all that teabags, use PROPER GRAMMAR and spelling.

Nothing makes you look MORE ignorant and uneducated than when you're trying to preach how dumb other people are, and YOU can't spell or use appropriate English. My favorites would have to be the ones regarding immigration, comical irony at it's finest.

Edited by JRMMiii
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Meh. I'm generally just impressed when these hamsters manage to hold their signs up the right way.

These people aren't exactly our best and brightest. :p

That's what bothers me. They're our loudest and most vociferous though...


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Yeah, but they're just the current squeaky wheels, with opportunistic media personalities and politicians stirring them up.

Personally, I find their lack of a coherent message or well-reasoned arguments far more offensive than their deplorable grammar or racist undertones.

But, at least they're entertaining. Kind of like peopleofwalmart.com, but all angry white folks with signs.

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