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First 75 degree day, ohhhh yeah, the squids are definitely out...


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Not wearing gear doesn't physically harm anyone but the person not wearing the gear. I get my tighties in a bunch when I start hearing people talk about regulating gear. It's a personal choice just like a seat-belt. Not wearing/using doesn't affect anyone but the person making that choice. I show up to work looking like an astronaut, but I want to make it home to play ball with my little ones. Enjoy the ride, be aware of what is going on around you, and know that every driver out there wants to kill you (maybe a little dramatic).

Im glad to see someone under stands.

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I saw a group of squids out in the wind this afternoon, on our way to lunch. 3 of the 4 had no helmet, the 4th had a half helmet. I think all were in t-shirts, and riding haphazardly in the heavy winds. The 2 sport bikes were really squirrelly, and almost lost it, thanks to the wind.

:nono: for that group.....

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First page: Awesome!

Second page: garbage.

Damn safety Nazis.


I think its fine to express the safety factor but damn 6 pages worth of safety crap...

I Support wearing gear, saved my buddies life and hes here today bc of it

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I won't ride without full gear, no matter what....but I don't give a big fuck if anyone else does. If you're invincible and can deal with the ER scrub on your road rash, rock on tough guy. You won't get a lecture from me, just a disbelieving shrug at your stupidity.

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I think its fine to express the safety factor but damn 6 pages worth of safety crap...

Neh, it was really out of boredom that I think it was continued... least that was the case for me lol I had nothing better to do than keep on posting on forums on the internet...

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I love my 3/4 gloves. I wear mechanix gloves if it gets chilly and I'd love to pick up a nice pair of semi gauntlets on the cooler days.

I will admit with all the ventilation zippers open on my jacket I find it keeps me cooler than tshirt only... that's kind of nice

This thread should be sticked and retitled "how NOT to be a squid...and live to tell about it."

I love my mechanic's gloves and I'll ride with them in the summer. Excellent FEEL with them and reinforced in a few areas. I can unstrap my helmet with them on, not a feat I'm able to do with any other gloves. But then again I have trouble walking and chewing gum at the same time since the ball accident.

Edited by ShankroidBeast
i can never get the shit right the first time...lol
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Mechanix gloves will last about as long as jeans if you land palms first, just sayin...

I won't buy a single glove that doesn't have a full leather palm, even if the rest is mesh. There's too many things I like to feel and do with my hands to even think about losing them.

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Okay here is a thought. You know all the people in your life that give you a hard time about riding?????

Tell them you want to be safer but gear costs money. Then ask them just how much they care about you and if something were to happen how much is your life worth to them?

Sometimes a guilt trip can go a long way when you want someone else to pay for what would normally come out of your own pocket :)

And yes, I've done it and NO I'm not ashamed.

I wish that could work for me, but my 'rents would just tell me, "Then don't ride that Goddamn suicide machine of yours!"

I envy your success with this technique.... :(

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We've had several very long conversations about this here in OR town, and as long as some of the good ones weren't lost in that server crash, a little searching will show you that your decision to wear gear or not absolutely has an effect on everyone else, and the ripples affect those even outside our little motorcycle community. It's the same reason they made seatbelt rules - because it does affect other people.

Again, I won't rehash the whole argument, but we've stated before that you need to think of things outside your little bubble. Yes, I think it should be up to everyone's own discretion whether or not to wear gear. Period. But I also think that everyone should sit and think about the actual ramifications of their actions. The reach is rather more lengthy than some give it credit for...

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Speaking of paying attention on a motorcycle... most everyone doesn't pay enough attention to what happens behind them. One of my little games is tagging other motorcycles from behind. Not sneaking up, just rushing over and riding behind them to see how long it takes for them to see me. Usually it's NEVER. Wake up people, use your mirrors...

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