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Crazy cagers!


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I think I experienced an attempted vehicular homicide on Sunday.

Was just cruising around on Sunday evening. Was going through a small town, out in the middle of nowhere, just to enjoy the weather. I don't remember exactly what small town** ( it was on a state route and has a few stop lights).

Anyhow, I was slowing down for the stop light as a guy runs across the street and hops in his car. As I'm setting at the red light I watch him in my mirrors speedily pull out, do a u-turn, and subsequently pull beside me. I thought he was turning right, but nope. The light turned green, and I just did my Sunday cruise acceleration that could easily be matched by the lamest of cages. I was just relaxing, taking in the scenery.

Out of my right side peripheral vision I noticed an early 90s 2-door race car* running beside me. I slow down to let him by (and have to shift into 1st to prevent lugging), and he slows down right beside me. (he was right next to me, definitely within door-kicking range.) Then I was like, what the hell? Well, eventually I'm going 20mph in a 35 trying to let him by, but he decides to wave me ahead.

So, I just went on, and he was like riding my ass, so as I get out of town I quickly pass a few Sunday (45mph in a 55mph) drivers. I thought I was home free, but nope. This guy passes all of us at like 80 mph. It sounded like the car was really screaming! Anyhow I was like damn, this guy must be in a hurry after all.

I thought maybe I was safe because he was flying way ahead of me, until there was an intersection up ahead. He cuts the corner passing a minivan on the inside (he used the corner restaurant's parking lot as the passing lane) while turning right at this intersection. Gravel debris flew everywhere! [i actually thought that he crashed because of all the dust and such.]

A few seconds later I realize that he was out for blood, because he did a u-turn and is now waiting at the right side of the intersection that I'm about to go through. I was planning on going straight, but I didn't want to give him the opportunity to cut me off. I was lucky I did this! As I was approaching the intersection, I quick brake (I think he thought I was going to go through), and take a right through the restaurant parking lot, so that I could stay away from his car. And immediately, he peels out (while appearing to yell and point at me), crosses the intersection, and attempts another u-turn in order to follow me. By this time I realize that this guy is not going to be happy until he crashes me. So, I look back and see him coming my way, and I just go. Got out of sight (passing 5-6 cars in the process), and then took the first left I could find.

I figure he probably never thought I'd take a gravely country road that leads to nowhere, but I looked back just to check.

I'm worried that this guy is insane! And he probably doesn't have a clue what kind of bike I have. So, I'm worried that if another guy goes through this town on a black sport bike, and is wearing similar gear, it may be trouble.

* A little side note about this car: It had everything: racing slicks (actually just normal tires with the tread missing), lightweight wheels (black painted steel with the cheap hubcaps missing {to reduce weight I assume}), and of course a baby blue color with patches of bright gray (obviously from going so fast in the hot sun). Everything else seemed stock, but obviously there's been a lot of work under the hood. :rolleyes:

** Looked on Google Earth and the town is St. Paris, OH. The intersection that he cut was the 36/235.

Edited by alienpi
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There's not a whole lot to do in st. paris so that could be part of the issue. Did you not get his plate #. If you ever have to go back and see the same asshat make sure you get the info to report him.

Plate or not I'd consider reporting the incident anyway. If they don't have a local PD you can contact the sherrif. They may "know" this guy.

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It's been my experience that if a car intentionally pulls so close to you to be within kicking range, and you are within your normal lane boundaries, kicking the car is usually the best response.

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That's what you get for riding a Buell.

Srsly... following Tpoppa's 1125R on Friday, he must've rattled some cager in a Jetta because that asshat intentionally swerved over into my lane as I was passing him.

:thefinger: That was me as I rode by, except with one hand and not laughing at all. I was pretty livid. And after what happened about 20 minutes later, I would've been better off following the guy and taking his driver mirror as a 'lesson learned' trophy piece. :mad::beating:

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Srsly... following Tpoppa's 1125R on Friday, he must've rattled some cager in a Jetta because that asshat intentionally swerved over into my lane as I was passing him.

:thefinger: That was me as I rode by, except with one hand and not laughing at all. I was pretty livid. And after what happened about 20 minutes later, I would've been better off following the guy and taking his driver mirror as a 'lesson learned' trophy piece. :mad::beating:

Those Buells must piss everyone off. That was funny to watch, you had to get a head of steam up so you could take your hand off of the throttle to flip him off. I guess he was the passing monitor, then I passed him without incident, I think you scared him.

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Srsly... following Tpoppa's 1125R on Friday, he must've rattled some cager in a Jetta because that asshat intentionally swerved over into my lane as I was passing him.

:thefinger: That was me as I rode by, except with one hand and not laughing at all. I was pretty livid. And after what happened about 20 minutes later, I would've been better off following the guy and taking his driver mirror as a 'lesson learned' trophy piece. :mad::beating:

Those Buells must piss everyone off. That was funny to watch, you had to get a head of steam up so you could take your hand off of the throttle to flip him off. I guess he was the passing monitor, then I passed him without incident, I think you scared him.

where's the ride report you whores?

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maybe he REALLY wanted to race :dunno:

Yeah, I was thinking that also, but the yelling and fists in the air kinda made me think that he was a little off. He looked like he was in his early forties, and was drinking out of a big clear jug that I thought might be beer.

Plus, this thing didn't even have a spoiler. I was being kinda sarcastic about it being a "race car" It just looked like an old 2-door economy car, with the normal rust spots, paint fading, and such.

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It's been my experience that if a car intentionally pulls so close to you to be within kicking range, and you are within your normal lane boundaries, kicking the car is usually the best response.

Hindsight is 20/20, but really the car was such a POS, that the dent wouldn't really make a significant impact in its overall appearance. If it had a nice new paint job, then that'd been a different story.

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