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Any nurses/doctors?


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I've gone through paramedic training, been a lifeguard, was able to save an 8 year old from drowning in a pool, work for a hospitals and doctors offices for the past 15 years, spent 2 years in an ER while going to school (so I've seen everything no matter how embarrassing) and I also even made the mistake of marring a nurse.

So if you have a question I'll be haapy to lie to you and make you feel better ;)

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holy fucksticks which mod changed the tags? I almost pissed myself.

I severely underestimated the medical expertise around here... anyone specialize or have experience in endocrinology (sp)... yes, I have a legitimate need here beyond my normal fucktastic posting habits.

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Okay. Sorry to pull this, we have a lot of qualified people here....

but.....moments after my welding accident I was barely able to put out the pubic hair fire, when in the process my moisture laden underwear (soaked from a failed bellybutton shot of 151 earlier in the evening) set my nether regions ablaze and in the process was able to save my right ball by pouring my beer on it (i drink beer fast and only had enough left to save one I'm afraid)

so take it from a real man with only one ball. You can trust me....even when I lie ;)

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Come on that was a long time ago. I've fathered a child since then. Yes I do have one ball. I would be very happy to prove that to your GF or your Ball and chain ;)

It's really funny when I have to have physical I never say anything about it. Strange how the doctor's head cocks to the side when he checks me for a hernia....his eyes say...WTF.....LOL

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That's actually really funny (not losing a ball, the fact you're having fun with it)

Also it's funny you said "cocked" when referring to a doctor feeling your ball. I'll PM you my question, but you'll sadly be disapointed.

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I've told a lot of stories over the years about how I lost my ball. Truth is, when I was 11 yeas old I was riding down the only hill in the area on BMX bikes with my friend. I was going a good 20mph when an old lady opened the car door right in front of me. The VERY sharp gooseneck on my Huffy ripped my ballsack open and lots of pain and mayhem ensued.

So yeah I tell a different story every time I explain it. My favorite is when I was working on a manoyane farm when one day the pitchfork glanced off.......

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