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My Tuesday with pics.. Blood inside.


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So a few weeks ago I ended up at the DR and then ER with a suspected hernia. Well turns out that once I finally had my apt with the surgeon he told me I didnt have a hernia but actually had a torn inguinal ligament. For those of you that dont know, this ligament starts to wrap around your sperm tubes and a ton of nerves and causes some serious pain from your stomach down to your "boys" and into your thigh. Well only way to fix it was rest so at least I didnt need hernia surgery. I figured since I was in there, I would ask about getting a sebaceous cyst on my back removed which ive had for at least the last 15 years. He said yep and my apt was tues.

I also have an interesting situation where novocain and pain pills dont do anything to me and will start wearing off 5 min into surgery or very soon after I take the pills.

So about 10 min into the surgery the doc says "This thing is allot bigger and goes deeper then I thought, we really should have knocked you out for this"

By the time we were done, he ended up using all the Novocain he had because it was wearing off so quick on me.

Once removed, the cyst was the size of a ping pong ball.



The morning after.


and the lil bastard itself actual size...


And at work today it was fun when one of the ladies at work said hey by patting my in the middle of my back while eating lunch...

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The bad part about me and the way medicines act on me is that whenever I tell the docs about it, I have a feeling that they just think im just searching for drugs. Hell, i have a prescription for 20mg flexeril 3x a day with basically unlimited refills and I only take 1 pill about every 2weeks.. And now after the suspected hernia and then having this thing cut out, I have quite a few vicodin as well but im not even taking them. I just wish there was a test they could do to determine what the deal is and then get it in my charts so that the docs dont think im just looking for pills. My real concern is if they ever have to knock me out for surgery. They tried to knock me out when I was younger to cut my wisdom teeth out and they couldnt do it. I was told they gave me enough drugs to knock out a 250lb guy (I weighed 175 at the time) for over 2 days and I was awake through the entire thing and walked out on my own 2 feet when it was doen.

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Wow that video is disgusting. EWWW! Glad you are cyst free though! I would be terrified to be put under knowing it may not work or could wear off in the middle of a surgery. I watched a documentary once of people being conscious in surgery but still paralyzed! Worst fear ever!!

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There's a movie with Jessica Alba (AWAKE) where her fiance gets heart surgery done and it looks like he is out cold, but he is paralyzed all over, but he can feel everything. They let you here what he's thinking and you hear him screaming and you see a tears run out and someone finally realizes it AFTER they have his chest split open. It's RARE, but there's a few like that. WOULD SUCK!!


Edited by NinjaNick
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Yes I have seen this movie and it tripled my fears! That movie is what made me research it and also ever want to have a surgery in my life! I know it's a rare occurrence but OH EM GEE if that happened to me!!! EEE GADS!!!

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Trust me you couldnt squeeze anything. It was a hard cyst and had to be cut out. What that guy in the vid has is a boil. (aka - uber large zit)

I think there are different kinds of cyst http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyst

You should have just done what this guy did, get super drunk then go in and do it. I have had some nice injuries as a result of drinking and don't remember a damn one

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I think there are different kinds of cyst http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyst

You should have just done what this guy did, get super drunk then go in and do it. I have had some nice injuries as a result of drinking and don't remember a damn one

Like I said.. Mine had been there about 15 years and was a hard mass. It had to be cut out. If it were in a location where I could have reached it, Im sure I would have cut it out myself years ago when it was smaller.

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