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Mayor Coleman on gun violence


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lol but a screwdriver has another use. to install screws. it can be improvised as a weapon, yes.

a gun... whats its other use?

I know what I said could be a stretch but thats how I look at it. My firearms have never been used to kill someone. I carry them as a tool to protect myself. If a bad guy forces me to uses it as a deadly weapon, that's his fault and his problem. I just am really fed up with people having a huge misunderstanding of firearms. The government just adds to these misconceptions. (I in no way imply you are that type of person)

to put holes in paper, destroy clay pigeons, and provide food for your family. ta da!

I use mine as doorstops too. :rolleyes:


to be clear, im not in total disagreement here. i agree that guns kill people like forks make people fat. but to say that a gun is not a weapon is just... its like saying a couch isnt a piece of furniture.

a weapon is a tool used to cause harm. the fundamental purpose of a gun is to cause harm. yes, a gun is a tool, but its also specifically a weapon.

What about carrying a knife? Is that a tool or deadly weapon? I carry one as a tool unless needed as a deadly weapon.

a couch could be a ladder if you stacked up a sectional, or a dwelling if you lived underneath it, or a weapon if you dropped it off a roof. for the record, i am just trying to be difficult.


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I don't know about you all, but I use my rifles to hold doors open.

Yeah I use my bolt action .22 to prop open windows..... and then sometimes it slips falls and a bullet comes flying out the barrel pointed right at a squirrel that is in the dahm BIRD feeder!:wtf:

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Yeah I use my bolt action .22 to prop open windows..... and then sometimes it slips falls and a bullet comes flying out the barrel pointed right at a squirrel that is in the dahm BIRD feeder!:wtf:

HA HA HA HA HA!!!! This is funny to me because I have been doing the same thing for the past month. I have been using my .22 as a tool to rid my yard of varmints I do not want steeling my bird feeder.

And yes, the squirrel STOLE my bird feeder... broke it into a hundred pieces and ate ALLLLL of the feed out of it. Soooooo.... I am using one of my tools that I own to take care of the problem.

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