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Toys from your childhood.


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I had one of these too... my brother had the blue jeep, and mine was a white chevy or ford.

Cross Boss action, bitches!

Don't ever recall that toy, looks pretty sweet though.

the field goal kicker was my favorite from the late 70s. you punch down on his head and he kicks the ball through the post. remember i lost the plastic ball so i used a domino and cracked the living room window. my mom wooped my ass, maybe with the hot wheel track. oh what memories !

HAHA. I'm glad I'm a threat. ;) ( know what you meant, thanks)

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Lots of slot car stuff too. I remember this set the most, but we used to just take random parts and build our own tracks - much more fun that these packaged sets.


Along with my own stash of cars, I remember taking my dad's old slot cars apart and rebuilding them / replacing the bodies and racing my brother who did the same thing.

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the field goal kicker was my favorite from the late 70s. you punch down on his head and he kicks the ball through the post. remember i lost the plastic ball so i used a domino and cracked the living room window. my mom wooped my ass, maybe with the hot wheel track. oh what memories !

That was the "Super-jock" series. I have the football kicker and they also made a basketball player.

The best toy ever was the "Mr. Quaterback".Basically a footbal catapult. I suppose it was made for lonely kids. It was this green plastic box that has

gigantor spring inside. Push down on the arm, load the football, set the timer, pull the pin and run out and catch the ball. If you did not use the supplied tent stakes to hold it into the ground, the box would do 4 or 5 flips when it launched the football.

I figured if this thing could launch a football, what else could it launch? Items like apples, rocks and pine cones. It will even launch eggs at the "high school" kids next door. I did a quick Google search, and the Mr Quaterback toy from back then does not look like the currert version.

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the field goal kicker was my favorite from the late 70s. you punch down on his head and he kicks the ball through the post. remember i lost the plastic ball so i used a domino and cracked the living room window. my mom wooped my ass, maybe with the hot wheel track. oh what memories !

Someone (not me) had one of those. I had completely forgotten about it. Fun for about an hour, 'till you break something and your a$$ gets beaten... Kinda like what happened to you. :D

Join the club, my friend.

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Lots of slot car stuff too. ....

Remember the G-Force cars? They had some sort of super magnet that allowed them to go at a scale (seemingly) 400+ mph... Took all the fun out of AFX cars, unless they were against each other. Just hold the trigger down the entire time - no need to let up for corners.

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Oh the good ol days, the kicker was Super Toe, the SSP cars were deadly flying off a ramp or set of stairs and the SSP type Smash Up Derby cars that blew to smitherenes when they hit together, then came the TCR race track that was slotless electric and who could forget the Sizzlers, man those were fast.

Entirely too many to list but the guns back then get honorable mention along with the 007 toys like the camera that changed into a gun.

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