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Any softball players in NEO?


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I used to drive down to Ashland to play with a group of friends that were pretty competetive and we usually always placed in the top 3 for a number of years in a row. They stopped playing and I played locally for a couple years with a bunch of coworkers who were not so good. I quit playing after that.......and when they banned the good Miken bats.

Hell I be Justin could jack home runs using that bat.

I could be down from something, but I do have an erratic work schedule which could take me away for multiple weeks at times....FYI. Oh and no outfield for me, the old shoulder can't take that anymore.

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ok setting up this coed thing has taken a lot more time than I had expected. Unless I can get 10 for sure yes I dont know that I'm gonna try to find a mens league for us. The couple I know of are already closed :(

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Girls suck at sports anyway, and usually the ones that don't, aren't real lookers -- so hot chicks can cheer on the sidelines in tube tops and get us beer to quench our manly athletic thirst.

yea that team is mainly for fun and a reason for me to drink on sunday since football season is over. Suprisingly though the 2 better looking girls on the team have the most talent...which isn't saying much :D

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  • 8 months later...

ok I'm thinking about this again only starting early this year. I'd rather find a team that needs an extra guy or two but if we have enough serious people I'll put one together. If this is the case I'll need league suggestions as I refuse to play Broadview Hts anymore

Edited by Bad324
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If I didn't live in Southern Ohio, I would volunteer. Love playing the game.

Why not just find tournaments, and post the dates? If you are having this much trouble finding people to have a steady team, just do tournaments, with what is available.

I play in 3 different leagues, indoor tournaments through the winter, and what ever tournaments we can put a team together and travel to them. It is a lot easier to get tournament dates, and put a team together to compete in it, than it is to have a steady league team. The bad thing with leagues, is you may play on any given day, depending on how the league is set up.

Also, what sanction are you looking to play in? I play in ASA, and USSSA(U-trip). Normal league is ASA, church league is ASA, and the Co-ed league is USSSA. They are basically all the same rules, with a few exceptions:

ASA- Bats are restricted to 98BBP(98 mph when the ball leaves the bat) Pitching/ Ball has to reach 6' when released but no higher than 10'

USSSA/NSA- Bats are restricted to 1.20BBP(120mph when the ball leaves the bat) Pitching/ Ball has to go at least 3' from the release point, no higher than 10'

A lot of your better teams, are in USSSA for competition, so be ready for fast games. I know a team that travels NEO and lower PA. You do not want to meet them in a game. They are sponsored by "Worth" and are just nasty. There are several guys on the team, that have national championship rings. They pay for their first tournament, then travel off what they win for the rest of the season. After the first tournament, they don't pay for gas, hotel if needed, or food. They ARE that good.

Also, all the talk about the good bats being banned, is complete bull crap. Worth, Easton, Miken, Combat, Louisville, etc... all have bats for each league. Yes some perform better than others, you just have to know what you are looking for. I personally use Worth bats, for ASA and USSSA/NSA. By no means am I a power hitter, but I find the 300 mark with my bats often. That is ASA bats as well. It is all about getting a bat that feels good to you. Just have to remember that ASA is limited to 98mph on bat speed.

Edited by DoughnuT
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Why not just find tournaments, and post the dates? If you are having this much trouble finding people to have a steady team, just do tournaments, with what is available.

My only tournament experience was with a team that we had played a good amount together and we won our league 2 years in a row, we entered a D tourney and absolutely got raped. Plus most people I know won't travel just to play softball

Also, what sanction are you looking to play in?

Strictly ASA

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ASA isn't a bad league to get into, just have to remember to get all the "league rules" outside of Sanctioned ASA rules on paper so you know what you are looking at.

Make sure you get good bats as well. This time of year, you can find deals on them, but make sure you get a decent ASA approved bat. If you don't know if a bat is banned, look it up on ASAsoftball.com They have a list on there for banned bats. Also, you are looking at 200 and up for a decent bat. I know people that have spent 500+ on a bat before, just because they want the best they can get. I see no reason in it, but to each their own.

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I couldn't come up for league play but would maybe play in a few tournaments. I used to play tons of softball a few years back. I played on some A and B level teams that were pretty good. I also have some good softball pants that o would sell cheap if someone is interested. Most are betlins

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ASA isn't a bad league to get into, just have to remember to get all the "league rules" outside of Sanctioned ASA rules on paper so you know what you are looking at.

Make sure you get good bats as well. This time of year, you can find deals on them, but make sure you get a decent ASA approved bat. If you don't know if a bat is banned, look it up on ASAsoftball.com They have a list on there for banned bats. Also, you are looking at 200 and up for a decent bat. I know people that have spent 500+ on a bat before, just because they want the best they can get. I see no reason in it, but to each their own.

oh yea I know..luckily this isn't my first go around, I've been playing for 9 years now. I stick with ASA because I prefer the rules, plus I've had a bad string with getting thrown out of USSSA games :lol:

I am debating picking up another bat. I've got a hand me down Miken Freak my buddy gave me because his league cracked down on them and a Demarini Evo thats about 3 seasons old now, great for slap hitting and line drives but if you get under the ball its going nowhere. My buddy can hit the hell out of it but I have no such luck

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Also, you are looking at 200 and up for a decent bat. I know people that have spent 500+ on a bat before, just because they want the best they can get. I see no reason in it, but to each their own.

It's like a softball arms race. Teams with better bats 'usually' have better hitting. It sucks that bats cost that much, but leagues are using balls with soft cores, you need hot bats to launch them.

I have a Miken Freak + that's illegal in some leagues.

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