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ring shopping help


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I currently work at a jewelry store part time and have been with the same company for 10 years. Here is what I have to say about buying a diamond.

1- diamond is still the hardest stone, man made items will scratch and dull over time. If you want something that looks like a diamond and will not scratch or dull try a white sapphire. They don't quite have the sparkle of a diamond but they hold up well.

2- Many jewelry stores will not work on rings with synthetic or man made diamonds. So if you ever need the ring re sized or any work done on it, you will have to search hard for a store to work on it. This is due to liability.

3- You can get good deals on diamonds from places like Blue Nile, however you will also get less customer service after the sale. Shopping at a brick and mortar store will allow you to see the diamond in person and if anything goes wrong they will work to fix it.

4- Why buy a diamond. Many people opt for a colored stone center and it will make it very unique. And as far as cost some Natural Rubies and Emeralds rival the cost of a diamond, but for the most part colored stones are cheaper than diamonds.

5- It shouldn't be about the size and price of a ring. What matters the most is what it symbolizes, but some people tend to forget this while shopping for rings.

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I always find the word "symbolizes" very intriguing and very personal, and more so when it comes to jewelry.

I don't understand why it just can't be what it is. I don't buy a keyring to symbolize that I like cars and motorcycles... I get a car or motorcycle.

I don't get married to symbolize my love for them. I just love them.

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man lots of bitterness around here. thanks for some of the recommendations around here. i'd looked at some of the Apollo man-made diamonds and what not, i'd like to go that route if possible. i havent looked into the diamonds-setting separately but will do, just have to find 3 of them dont i?

on a lighter side note for the marriage bashers: so far she's the only one that's been accepted into medical school so I may be the one getting the better end of the deal, lol.

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diamonds. because nothing says "i love you" like an over-valued superficial rock clawed from the guts of the earth by slave labor.

AMEN! I like knowing that someone probably died while digging that rock, that is on my old ladies finger, out of the ground. Its kind of like eating the "gargantuan" from Jimmy Johns. I like knowing four different animals died in the making of my sandwich.

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Agreed - the procurement and pricing of the diamonds is a pretty disgusting reality....

And yet even with some publication of that fact (like in Blood Diamond), people still demand them. Curious.

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Srew that marriage license. It's a license so she can take your Stuff. Nothing else.

In life when in the hell would you ever make a business decision like this? That is all that license is. Business to screw you after the marriage is over. Screw the tax benefits. If A invests more than B and they split B should still be treated equally in the division of assets? Wouldn't you tell anyone even your own brother or sister to get lost at business proposition like that? If I told you you had a 8-10 chance of wrecking your newly purchased $100,000 car wouldn't you want some insurance? You'd at least wear your seatbelt.

Nup and PRe-nup and i'm not sure if they actually work..Keep the money and assets seperate. What's yours is yours and whats hers is hers. If you buy a house together make it a business deal each pays equal or you buy it or she buys it and whoever buys it pays for it. If selling, you'd split it on who paid what part of the mortgage. Not, thanks for buying me a house i'll do your dishes and cook for you! F**k that. If someone walked up and said, will you buy me a house if I do your dishes and cooked for you? What would say? Marriage license is friggin prostitute license. These divorce laws had to be written when ya'll worked on the farm and she'd starve to death if you split with the lover. Money has nothing to do with love and if you want to spend your life with someone.

This is a little piece of paper we're talking about that u can pick up at the court house in 10 minutes that can ruin YOUR LIFE. Why the hell would u do it under the terms and conditions of that contract?. I know, she wants a pretty wedding, all the family keeps pestering so they can have something to do and your not living in sin and they can pretty everyone up and it's every girls dream. Well fine, do it, make her happy and everyone else just DON'T sign the darn license. What's the difference? ZERO unless it doesn't work out at least you won't get hosed. Think about it. If you were a crook. Wouldn't you the dishes and hump like a rabbit for a chance at a free house?

Then if you have kids. You'll be paying out the ying yang because some bunch of idiots came up with child support guidlines that are excessive for support and send many fathers to live in the basement of their parents. O and if they try to get assitance for heating or electric, child support payments don't count as a loss of income so ya don't qualify but then the person recieving the support does not have to show it as income and can get more assistance. And if you spend months with your children you still pay for support while their in your care.

sorry to rant....good luck....don't get the license.

o don't forget if you get divorced they can tap into your 401k. Technically only the money you put into it while married unless you stayed married for a certain peroid of time then she can have half of all of it. O yeah...the joint bank account gets split equally. Regardless of who put the money in it. Sounds great.

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I currently work at a jewelry store part time and have been with the same company for 10 years. Here is what I have to say about buying a diamond.

1- diamond is still the hardest stone, man made items will scratch and dull over time. If you want something that looks like a diamond and will not scratch or dull try a white sapphire. They don't quite have the sparkle of a diamond but they hold up well.

2- Many jewelry stores will not work on rings with synthetic or man made diamonds. So if you ever need the ring re sized or any work done on it, you will have to search hard for a store to work on it. This is due to liability.

3- You can get good deals on diamonds from places like Blue Nile, however you will also get less customer service after the sale. Shopping at a brick and mortar store will allow you to see the diamond in person and if anything goes wrong they will work to fix it.

4- Why buy a diamond. Many people opt for a colored stone center and it will make it very unique. And as far as cost some Natural Rubies and Emeralds rival the cost of a diamond, but for the most part colored stones are cheaper than diamonds.

5- It shouldn't be about the size and price of a ring. What matters the most is what it symbolizes, but some people tend to forget this while shopping for rings.

Uhm.. you need to read the article I posted. There is zero difference between what they are making and diamonds in the ground except theirs are better..

They are the exact same molecular structure.

They are not different material or synthetics.

They are DIAMONDS!!!

The have the same denisity, strenght, etc. Why? BECAUSE THEY ARE REAL DIAMONDS..

Oh yeah.. and Diamonds dont symbolize shit.. Especially not love.

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Ok, I saw the pictures of the rings some guys got their girls....and don't get me wrong, I love my ring and it's beautiful and it is meant as a symbol of the commitment and I'm totally okay with that....but now........ I want more diamonds!! Oh, and a new motorcycle....can I get both?

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on a lighter side note for the marriage bashers: so far she's the only one that's been accepted into medical school so I may be the one getting the better end of the deal, lol.

after you become a doctor you dump whoever you are with and find someone better.

thats the dream of becoming a doctor.

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Hell I'll become a carpet muncher for a Dr. Purpose yet? I could use a new bike
^^--- winnar

And shows you what lengths women will go to for money. Fonzie keeps asking, but he can't pay me enough to let him suck my member.

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yeah, it's getting to be about that time where i need to be buying the lady a ring and was wondering if anyone had suggestions for jewelry stores in the area that have good prices. i figured some of you guys have been through this before so any help would be great.

Alvin's Jewelers is going out of business and everything there is cheap as hell.

I'd start there, or at one near you.

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after you become a doctor you dump whoever you are with and find someone better.

thats the dream of becoming a doctor.

haha, she's becoming one too, so there's the potential for a LOT of bikes in the future ;)

Alvin's Jewelers is going out of business and everything there is cheap as hell.

I'd start there, or at one near you.

have to look into that. kinda curious to see how she would respond to colored cultured diamond...

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