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8000 mile oil change??? engine ice??


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So I've been looking through my owners manual and checking the maintenance schedule. It says that for my 07 CBR 1000rr the oil and filter should be changed every 8000 miles or 12 months. That seems really high. Is it some sick scam to wear my engine down so I'm forced to buy a new bike? Can anyone on here enlighten me to how this is possible?

Also another question. The manual states to use ethylene glycol antifreeze containing corrosion protection inhibitors specifically recommended for use in aluminum engines. Using coolant with silicate inhibitors may cause premature wear of water pump seals or blockage of radiator passages. So my big question is it safe / not harmful to use engine ice in my bike? The reason I ask is I'm planning on doing a track day but don't want to do it at the expense of destroying my engine.

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Honda engineers are smarter than you. Just follow what they say unless you have good reason to believe otherwise.

Of course if you're bouncing it off the rev limitre at every stop sign on the way to the starbucks then its a bit more hostile environment for your engine but I think the manual covers scenarios like if you're working the engine hard shorten the intervals.

But like I said, unless you're a mechanical engineer, specializing in high revving 4 cylinder engines, your opinion probably counts for nil in the face of Honda san with his abacus and strong pimp hand.

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I use Engine Ice. Have for 3 years now.

Cool. Have you noticed any problems with your engine? Do you take any extra precautions to keep your engine safe? The busa's have an aluminum engine also right?

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The '3,000 mile oil change' comes from either companies that sell oil, or companies that sell oil changes. I've never seen an engine manufacturer recommend a change every 3k.

My Trailblazer has an onboard computer that tells you when to change oil based on the number of engine revolutions. It comes out to around 10k-12k. I usually change it around 6k though.

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I wouldn't wait until 8k miles to change your oil. Depending on how hard you use the bike and so on, I would change it between 3-5k miles. I run mine pretty hard and did about 8 trackdays last year, so I go with Full synthetic and changing every 3k miles.

I also use engine ice in my 1krr and it has had no ill effects, and its whats preferred at most tracks if not distilled water/water wetter.

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Way to choose sides based on racial bias. Jerkface.
yea. jerkface.
yea. lets just change his name to "jerkface". It would be fitting of him.

you're all gonna pay dearly for this little gangbang

...at least 5 dollars.

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