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Thoughts on Arizona immigration law?


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Do it everywhere plz. I have no problem with it.

In my past life I spent alot of time in Mexico. That said, I've had my encounters with their police. If you don't have ID down there you're fucked. It's pretty much that way in the rest if the world too. Why is it percieved to be wrong for it to be that way here too?

So I guess I'm saying if you're here illegaly GTFO or get on the road to Naturalization. K'Bye.

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Remember the flyers in So. Cal in spanish promising citizenship if Bill Clinton won the election?

Hmm, lax voter laws. Perceived pissed off electorate, Democratic fear of election loss, New single issue voter base numbering in the millions.....

Clearly a racist law promoting the worst from of racism against all races in the entire world! An arrogant attempt by the evil right wing republicans to snuff out democracy in the free world!

Spin doctors - discuss.


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If your here illegally you don't have have my Constitutional Rights! GTFO!!


So I guess I'm saying if you're here illegaly GTFO or get on the road to Naturalization. K'Bye.

...and this!

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amen you people need to get out

I haven’t any issue with the original boat-people; they had ambition.

It is their descendants, with their inflated delusions of entitlement (i.e.: “I don’t do a damn thing to make this Country better, but I’ll be the first to bitch when I don’t like something”) that irritate me.

Keep America Beautiful!

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You may be part Native American, but you're also part something else. If it weren't for that something else, you wouldn't exist.

Everyone cough on Shitty!! Maybe his native blood still isn't fully immunized to all the white-mans diseases -- we still have a shot to purify Germa... I mean, America.

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It is their descendants, with their inflated delusions of entitlement (i.e.: “I don’t do a damn thing to make this Country better, but I’ll be the first to bitch when I don’t like something”) that irritate me.

Agree 100%.

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All right here is my bit of rant.

Do you really think that those illegal immigrants are that much different than the invaders in the 1600's? They too have ambition, they too are persecuted, they too are looking for the land of opportunity. They are willing to work and live in the worst possible conditions just to have a chance to give their children a better life.

The government should make it easier to get into the country, but should also tax those new legal immigrants at a higher rate and withhold some of the benefits until they become citizens. It is a price most would gladly pay to ensure a better future for their children.

Have you ever asked yourself why they are willing to die to get in? Why they are willing to sail 90 miles on top of a box? If you were in their shoes, what would you do? Who is being the more productive member of a society, the person working the fields or the person believing that it is their duty to protect the borders?

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Im all for land mines............. the borders need shut down for gods sake. and dont go back to the indians and all that crap that happened well before any of us. thats like the african americans bitchn cause of slavery and being brought over on a ship n the idoit was born in chicago or something. are we all missing the boat that this invasion is collapsing some state economies. we are gaining a massive welfare base... they all dont put in 12 hour days. let alone the need to protect against others that would really enjoy bringing a nuclear device into this country. SHIP EM THE FUCK HOME

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haha....ask an alien.....like me......:witching:

most of the illegals, take up the underpaid jobs, more in the south...hmmmm..get them out....good idea.....but get ready to wash your own dishes, pay more in restaurents and leave your current job cause you can't afford an American babysitter.......it's a tough double edged sword.....

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I'm all for enforcing the laws against illegal immigration, but there's a right way and a wrong way. How many people have been in this country for multiple generations but look foreign? There are certainly plenty of second or third generation US citizens that have accents all along the border states.

I think that if someone is found to be here illegally during employer audits, legitimate traffic stops, or whatever, then fine, deport them. But allowing the cops to just randomly stop people and demand their papers is only asking for trouble. There's just too much likelihood that real US citizens will get caught up in that dragnet, raising a whole pile of Fourth Amendment issues.

I think a far more effective way (and one that would be less likely to step all over US citizens) is to attack the motivation that causes people to come here illegally in the first place.

They come here because their home country has basically no economic opportunities. A result of corrupt government, exploitation by foreign corporations and governments, and the catholic church's ridiculous tenets regarding contraception, there are millions of people in Central and South America with too many mouths to feed and no real way to feed them.

Right now, they come here to try and alleviate that strain-- getting here is difficult and dangerous, but millions of people take that risk for one reason: there are lots of jobs here that are crappy by our standards but which allow them to send enough money home to support their families.

If those jobs dried up, would the risk of getting here be worth it?

I say we step up enforcement on the employer side. Do you think Walmart (or their contractors) would risk it if they knew all their assets would be seized?

I once worked at a major chain restaurant, where one of the kitchen staff was put on temporary leave (for a week) when an audit showed his Social Security number was invalid. When he gave them a new number, he was back to work, no questions asked. Would they have so blatantly flouted the law if it could wipe the company totally off the map?

Since the basic mechanism is in place already (just needs funding, stiffer penalties, and personnel), it seems a far better thing to try than having cops running around demanding people's papers.

Edited by Aerik
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We should make Mexicans who have lawfully become US citizens wear armbands with a Mexican flag on it or something so that they can be distinguished from illegal aliens.

I would think something more permanent, like a tattoo on their forehead? :dunno:

those 3/128ths are the best parts of me

Damn mutt....

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I'm all for enforcing the laws against illegal immigration, but there's a right way and a wrong way. How many people have been in this country for multiple generations but look foreign? There are certainly plenty of second or third generation US citizens that have accents all along the border states.

I think that if someone is found to be here illegally during employer audits, legitimate traffic stops, or whatever, then fine, deport them. But allowing the cops to just randomly stop people and demand their papers is only asking for trouble. There's just too much likelihood that real US citizens will get caught up in that dragnet, raising a whole pile of Fourth Amendment issues.

I think a far more effective way (and one that would be less likely to step all over US citizens) is to attack the motivation that causes people to come here illegally in the first place.

They come here because their home country has basically no economic opportunities. A result of corrupt government, exploitation by foreign corporations and governments, and the catholic church's ridiculous tenets regarding contraception, there are millions of people in Central and South America with too many mouths to feed and no real way to feed them.

Right now, they come here to try and alleviate that strain-- getting here is difficult and dangerous, but millions of people take that risk for one reason: there are lots of jobs here that are crappy by our standards but which allow them to send enough money home to support their families.

If those jobs dried up, would the risk of getting here be worth it?

I say we step up enforcement on the employer side. Do you think Walmart (or their contractors) would risk it if they knew all their assets would be seized?

I once worked at a major chain restaurant, where one of the kitchen staff was put on temporary leave (for a week) when an audit showed his Social Security number was invalid. When he gave them a new number, he was back to work, no questions asked. Would they have so blatantly flouted the law if it could wipe the company totally off the map?

Since the basic mechanism is in place already (just needs funding, stiffer penalties, and personnel), it seems a far better thing to try than having cops running around demanding people's papers.

other than the point about not infringing on the freedoms of all citizens because of a small number of illegals (starting to sound like the basis for the argument for 2nd amendment rights) since I wholeheartedly agree with you there, I don't think you've really thought your brilliant plan of "seizing the assets of walmart by giving homeland security a little moar moneyz" through.

I'll elaborate if you want me to, but I think you'll figure it out.

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