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We speak English here


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If you MOVE here, you better be able to at least communicate in the English language. I know not everyone majored in English in college, but speak the mother fucking language or go fuck yourself. Why should I have to flip through 25 pages of instructions to find the ones for fucking English? English or GTFO. Yes, I'm conservative and close-minded as fuck and don't give a shit. :D

Edited by CattaniAFJ
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Press one for English.

Actually the best way to learn is go to where you are forced to learn it. I learned more useful spanish while I was in Socal than I did in H.S.

Bing-fucking-go. I got literally thrown into Mexico for 2 weeks in '06 for work, and I was gobsmacked at how much Spanish I started to remember from way back when in HS. Same goes for being immersed in the Czech Republic. China is a different story altogether.

Good for Alabama...hope he get's in and passes it into law. Same goes for Arizona, they are setting a good example there showing illegals that they are not fuckin' around anymore. No Green Card...then GTFO. That's how it should be.

Where are your papers then? Surely you can prove you are a citizen, at any time, on demand You don't mind, do you? I'll give you a hint, a driver's license ain't cutting it.

Sure red, green and octagons are pretty easy but construction signs and road hazard signs are a little bit tougher.

This as well. Sure you can navigate, see what the speed limits are, figure out the stop signs, all that. You try and park your car on a European/Australian road and you better know what no parking/no stopping/limited parking signs mean. I'll give you a hint, there's no words at all, and there's no parallel to American road signs.

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